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"When it hurts - observe Life is trying to teach you something"


Reyansh was humming songs while driving on an empty road. It was already night, everything was dark outside, there was only one streetlight on the entire road. Suddenly his phone rang and he came out of his music world and quickly picked up the phone, otherwise his hyper-alert mother would have worried about him.

"Reyansh where are you, it's so late that you haven't reached home yet. I told you to come back soon. Why are you so careless dear", his mother said from the other side of the phone.

"Mom, I'm coming. Don't worry, I'm driving home", he said, reassuring his worried mother.

"Okay son, come as soon as you can, if your dad finds out that you are out so late, he will scold both of us", she said in a worried tone.

While driving and talking on the phone he suddenly lost control of his car. By the time he pressed the brakes he collided with someone. He became numb as soon as the car stopped. He couldn't think of anything at that time. He slowly went out of the car and saw that there was blood everywhere. He got scared after seeing someone lying lifeless in the middle of the road, soaked in blood.

"No, I can't kill anyone, I didn't do it, how can I do that. No", he muttered in his mind. He tried to scream but words were not coming out of his mouth. He was feeling very helpless. His hands were soaked in blood and his eyes were still full of tears.

"No I can't do this, tell me mom I didn't do this" he kept muttering in his mind.

"Reyansh, Reyansh what happened son, why are you looking so scared and sweating in the air conditioned room. Get up, son", his mother said, patting his cheeks to wake him up. She became worried after seeing her son, who was sweating and tears were flowing from his closed eyes in his sleep.

When he felt someone calling his name, he woke up with a jerk. He was breathing heavily when he suddenly woke up from sleep and noticed that there was no blood on his hands. He felt that his entire body was sweaty and his eyes were moist. He was very scared. Then he realized it was just a nightmare. Then he turned his gaze towards his mother who was standing beside him with a stressed face.

"What happened Reyansh, why are you so sweaty. Have those nightmares come again", she asked seeing her son's condition.

But he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear what she was saying. So he didn't answer anything and remained silent, looking scared and helpless.

When she got no response, she gently patted his shoulder and brought him out of his thoughts and said, "What happened Reyansh, where are you lost".

"Mom I'm fine, don't worry", he said coming out of his thoughts as he wiped the sweat from his face and reassured his mother who was not satisfied with her son's answer.

"Son, how long will you think about that accident, it has been many years now. You cannot get rid of these bad dreams if you do not forget that incident. Stop blaming yourself for something which was not your mistake", she said and sat beside him and started caressing his hair.

"How long will I think about this?", he asked himself after listening to his mother, the answer to which perhaps even he did not know because it was not in his control. "It's been a long time since I've had such nightmares, but today I suddenly had this nightmare again, I wonder if something is going to happen or is it just another nightmare", he thought to himself.

"I'm fine mom, don't stress about it", he said looking at his mother who looked very worried about him.

There are many things going on in his mind but he does not want to tell his mother about it nor does he want to stress her about it. He never shares his worries, his problems with his family members because he does not want them to be worried about him. He would do anything for his family and never wants to be the cause of their worries.

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