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"Sad things happen, they do. But we don't need to live sad forever".


I didn't realise when I slept during coming home. I wake up as we reach home. I saw him in front of me when I open my eyes. He was smiling at me and said good morning, I felt embarrassed and give him an awkward smile in return. I bow him good bye and walked towards my flat.

I was going towards lift but it was about to close, so I move little faster to catch it before it get closed.

I noticed someone from inside stop it and help me to go inside. I said thanku without looking at that person.

"I think I saw you somewhere before", I come out of my thoughts when person standing beside me speak. He was standing like he's trying to remind something.

"Sorry",I said looking at him in confusion.

"I think I saw you somewhere before, but don't know exactly where or when I have seen you", He said with curious voice.

"I think you have mistaken me with someone else", I said without looking at him.

"No I didn't mistaken, maybe I remember where I saw you",
He said with smile on his face as if he achieved something by remembering it.

"Where", I asked and give him questioning look.

"You are Ruhani right, Do you remember I gave you lift two three days before. I am Arjun by the way Because seems like you forget about me", He said.

"Oo, Thanku for helping me that day, but I seriously don't remember you, I am sorry for this", I replied so feeling embarrassing for not even remembering the person who helped me.

"It's ok, I can understand, you were really in a hurry that day and your condition was not helping too. Hope you are fine now", He said with small smile.

"Yeah I am fine. It's nice to meet you. I think my floor comes so I  take your leave now", I said when I heard ting sound of lift stopping at my floor.

The door opened and I come out of the lift, then I noticed someone's presence beside me and it's none other then the person I just met.

"What a coincidence we both lives at same floor. Actually I shifted here just few days ago. So We are neighbours it's good to meet you though. Hope we'll meet more often", He said joyfully.

I just nodded and smiled at him. And leave after bowing him good bye. Talking to strangers is one of the difficult task for me.

The more I move closer towards my house, the more I feel nervous. It's so difficult to go in that house where there's always a person to welcome me with a  smiley face, but now she is not  there, but only her memories are.

Now I am standing in front of my house. I take a deep breathe and opened the door.  I was about to enter inside and I feel something touched my foot, It's a bouquet, which completely withered. I pic up that and tears Welled up in my eyes when I remembered that day I sent this to my mother. The surprise I planned for her. How bad my fate is, I couldn't even spent last with her.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and slowly started going inside. As soon as I step inside, I take a look of the house, her memories started spinning around my head, I felt like I could see her everywhere.


"Mumma, where are you? your daughter come back home after a long tiring day", I exclaimed joyfully as soon as I entered inside the house.

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