*chapter- 6*

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"when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure".


I wake up with a Jerk as I saw my mom in my dream. Then I remembered that I fainted again when I heard that she is in hospital. I get up from the bed and remove all the drips and went outside to see that guy  and to ask him to take me to my mom. When I come out there was no one there, but I couldn't wait here for him to come. I need to go to my mumma as soon as possible. I run out of the house And started looking for any cab to go to where my mom is.

My headache was getting worse and at this time nothing is more important for me then my mom. Why I was not with her when she needed me the most. I'll go to her as soon as possible,she needs me there with her. I started walking as no cab was stopping because I didn't had money. Suddenly a car stopped in front of me.

"Miss where do you wanna go, I'll give you lift as you are not in a condition to walk", the man said.

At first I hesitate to go but I didn't had other option as I am really not in a condition to walk. My headache is increasing more and more. And my shoulder is injured too which is hurting like hell. I sit in the car and told him the name of the hospital where my mom is. He tried to talk to me in between but I was not in mood to talk and lost in my own thoughts. I politely said him that "I can't talk because my head is hurting so much. Can you take me hospital fastly". He nodded understanding my situation.

After few minutes of silent ride we reached at hospital.

"Thanku so much, I am very thankful to you for giving me lift", I said while getting out of the car.

"It's ok Miss, it's all my pleasure. May I know your name", he said while try to handshake with me.

"Ruhani", I said without looking at him and shake hand with him.
"Thanku again", I said him again.

"I am Arjun, nice to meet you, hope we'll meet again", he said and give a small smile.

I nodded and move towards the hospital because I didn't feel like to say something else.

I went inside the hospital and ask at reception about my mother, the receptionist told me to go to second floor and ask the doctor and he'll take me to my mom.

I reached there and ask doctor where is my mom. Which room is her's I asked him.

"Are you Miss Ruhani, your mother was talking about you. Come I'll take you there", he said with some sadness on his face.

He take me to a room which was so dark and cold inside. I looked at him in confusion. Then he pointed towards a bed and said she is there. I give him confused look again and started moving towards her with all kind of worst thoughts in my mind, my legs and hands were shaking terribly.

I stand beside her bed and see her coverd under a white cloth. I started removing that cloth with my shaking hands, it felt like eternity. I slowly removed the cloth.

"Noooooooo, mumma", I  screamed so loudly that the whole hospital could hear my scream. I took few steps backward while trying to digest the sight of her sleeping in front of me with calmness on her face.

"No, this is just dream. My mumma is here with me. She is just sleeping", I slowly mumbled to myself and trying to convince myself with something which is maybe not true.

"Mumma wake up, see I am here, let's go home. Why are you sleeping here. I come now, let's go. Mumma say something please. I know you are angry with me as I didn't come early to see you or be with you when you needed me. I am really sorry mumma. I'll never leave you alone again, please wake up now, we have to go home, it's too late. It's so cold here, you'll get sick. Enough mumma now wake up and come with me, I'm very hungry, please come and cook me something. We'll do party as we met after many days. And you also have to see the surprise,I prepared for you. We'll also go to Roohi Di's favourite place. Now please wake and say something", I tried to wake up her while shaking her body and continuesly mumbling but she didn't give any response in return.

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