*chapter - 4*

71 13 7

"The pain never really goes away, you just elevate and get used to it by Growing stronger".


Few seconds later I come to my senses and open my eyes. I looked around and realise what just I did. Lots of people gathered around to see. So many thoughts occupied my mind. All those memories come back to my mind. My eyes get moist after realisation hits me. No I can't let this happen again, I'll not run again, I'll save her. I'll not become reason of someone's suffering again.

I wipe tears from my face and rushed out of car. I slowly move towards the crowd. I push people aside and see a girl lying there in unconscious state. I stood there being numb. Her face was covered with blood. I heart ache looking at her. I got scared seeing blood. Tears were unknowingly starting rolling from from my eyes, I went numb. I couldn't process what just happen.

"Someone take her to hospital, she already lost lots of blood", I heard someone saying.

I come out of my grief hearing someone. I run towards her. I picked her up and moved towards my car. My hands fill with blood, my white shirt turns red there was blood everywhere. I lay down her on back seat and drive towards hospital in panic.  I was enable to think anything only worst things were coming to my mind, seeing her like this my heart was paining.

I reach hospital, I pic her up and run inside the hospital, I was screaming my lungs out and calling doctors.

Some staff come with strecher, I lay her down on strecher and they take her towards emergency room, and doctor comes and I run towards him.

"Doctor please save her at any cost, nothing should be happened to her", I said to doctor in panic. I was all messed up.

"We'll try our best sir, hope we can save her, seems like she lost a lots of blood. But we'll do our best", Doctor replied.

"Yes doctor you have save her. Please I'll pay you whatever cost you want but please save her, don't let her happen anything", I said him again with stressful voice. He nodded and moves towards the emergency room.

I was standing there numb with support of wall focusing towards room and waiting for doctor to come and tell me that she is safe. Suddenly my phone ring, I came out of my thoughts with jerk and pic up the call.

"Reyansh where are you, are not you supposed to come today. I and vansh come here to meet you but you are nowhere to found and what about your meeting. Why you don't come to meeting, you know what will happen if your dad found out". "What happened Reyansh, are you okay? ", Rehaan asked with concerned voice when he didn't get any answer from my side.

"Rehaan I am not ok, my nightmare comes true. Rehaan please tell me I didn't do anything, tell me it was just accident, tell me I'll not become reason of someone's suffering again, Rehaan please tell me this is just nightmare, everything will be fine when I'll wake up. Please Rehaan this time I can't bear this pain."Reyansh said sliding down with support of wall and sit on floor with his face in his blood filled palms".

"Bro wait what happened what are you saying what happened again. Tell me where are you, we are coming", Rehaan said in a worrying tone.

"Reyansh, what happened, what's wrong", Rehaan said while coming towards him.

"Reyansh calm down and tell us how this happened. look at yourself, what condition you have made of yourself", Vansh said and hug him.

"Rehaan, Vansh tell me she will be fine, doctor is saying she lost alot of blood, I did it again Someone will suffer again because of me. I don't know why when I saw her my heart felt pain seems like I know her. God please save her, I am begging you don't let her loved one and her suffer, please God", Reyansh said with panic, he was scared, scared of him being reason of someone's pain".

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