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"You never know how strong you are, untill being strong is your only choice".


I was sitting on the edge of the hill and thinking about my life

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I was sitting on the edge of the hill and thinking about my life. The view in front of me was peaceful and calming. Everything feels empty but still looks at peace with itself, a unique dichotomy indeed. This serene view of nature is the only thing that relaxes the deep ache in my heart, at least for now.

I miss Mom, I deeply do. I'm feeling so lost like everything has changed just in a blink of an eye. Like, yesterday I had my mom with me, my everything.  But now, I have nothing.

Life seems so unfair to me, is this how I'm supposed to live my remaining life? Lost and alone.

I'm pretending to be strong like I don't feel like the whole world is crushing on me. But I don't know for whom, maybe for myself because being strong is the only choice I have.

'That's how we keep hope and be strong, don't we?'

No one will lift me when I fall. I only have me now. My worst nightmare has become a reality now. Losing her. My anchor.

Sometimes life plays the worst with you and that's the time when you'll realise your strength to handle everything. I read it somewhere, now I'm getting the real truth behind them.

It's an intense thought but I'm feeling aimless, is my existence even required anymore? I don't know who to be anymore, what to do anymore. I was a daughter before but now what?

I don't know why loneliness is so cruel as it always comes with regrets. I regret not spending even more time with her. I regret not making her laugh and smile more as she deserved every happiness the world could offer. I regret not being around her at the last moment of her life. I regret not holding her hand, not offering her smiles and assurances in the very end, when she needed me the most.

Is this ache ever going to go away?
Maybe, maybe not.

But other than this pain, I'm scared.
Scared of unanswered questions like 'Was she happy with me?'
'Did she regret having me, or loving me?'
'Was she bothered that she had to take care of me?' I feel guilty.

I still remember how she used to take care of me, smile when she cooked my favourite dishes whenever I was tired or having a bad day.

On top of that, the way she loved me like her own daughter and family. She gave me love and family, more than I deserved I guess, that's why God took her away from me.

I hope she is happy wherever she is and meet her family in heaven.

I then noticed tears flowing from my eyes. I wiped my damp cheeks reminding myself it was time to be strong and return home.


It used to be fun, to go home after a chaotic day, home was my heaven, my Sanctuary but I don't want to go there now. Home. What is home anymore? Where is home anymore?

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