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"keep taking time for yourself untill you're you again"



I'm lost in darkness here. The only sound I can hear is the ticking of a clock hanging on the pale wall inside this empty room. I open my eyes there's no one here just darkness and me. I can hear a few voices from outside like whispering shouts and cries.

Slowly I moved towards them making my way, I opened the door with my shaking hands my whole body trembled from head to toe, when I heard the voice I wanted to never listen, never remember.

"Welcome, darling, did you miss your master?" I wanted to shout and tell him that he was never my master, no one was, is, but I felt the lack of air in my lungs, it is so damn hard to breathe. Even with the distance between us of 10 steps, I feel like he is strangling me with his bare hands.

All the memories of the past started flooding in front of my eyes, like a broken dam. All harsh punishments, hard slaps, and sharp words in the name of discipline. Unwanted touch and darkroom. All emerging like a scratch on a burned skin.

"You know, how sad I was when you betrayed and left us. But it's okay I guess, now that I'm here for you, I will make you repent for your sins, " he said menacingly coming towards me. My heartbeat increased with his every footstep.

He strangled my neck getting in front of me. I struggle to push and fight his hands, but it's of no use. He had 2 men behind him, one with a large scar on his cheek, and another with a metal bat. I looked at them asking for help but they stood there like statues, unwavering.

His hold gets tighter and tighter as the smirk on his face gets wider. I started feeling dizzy.
"Stop....stop it" I choked out.

"Haha, what are you scared that I'll kill you? oh darling how naive are you? It's not your time yet, not until I tame you and make you regret your wrongdoings. You made mistakes and now you will be punished. Simple as that. "I fell on my knees and took a deep breath as he stopped suffocating me.

"Boys" he ordered the men behind him and they left without a word.

I was still on my knees when he sat down and grabbed my hair, forcing me to look into his sinister eyes. He looks crazy, mental,  "Do you think I'll leave you alone and let you live in a fairyland with that pathetic woman you love and call family, do you think you deserve it? After leaving me to live in hell you created"

My heart skips a beat at the mention of my mother. That's when the door opens up and the men from before, come with a person, blindfolded and roped and unconscious. No. No. Mom. Don't drag her into it. She already sacrificed and gone through the worst. Please not her. She is innocent.

"Please..." I  desperately struggled to get out of his hold. But with his strong hold on me, I remained on the floor, thrashing here and there helplessly.

"Please leave her", I begged again and again like a prayer. But he's no god, he is a devil, he ignored my pleas and started laughing, "Oh, how beautiful of you, begging and crying for a soon-to-be-dead."

"Ruhani, I will take everything from you, everyone from you. Every person, every happy memory, every sane thought, I'll make you pay and it will start with her, your mother," he said venomously. I shook my head no.

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