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Anakin walked through the busy streets of Coruscant.

His master and he were still trying to form a close relationship despite the years that had passed, Anakin would always be grateful to Obi-wan for not abandoning him and taking him as his padawan when master Qui-Gon Jinn died.

Obi-wan knew that Anakin was now an eighteen year old boy who wanted to see the galaxy, experience new experiences and sensations, he also knew that what Anakin wanted would not be possible due to the jedi code, however, that night he granted the young padawan permission to roam Coruscant City unguarded, allowing him to do what he wanted only if it wasn't too loud or attracting the attention of the council, and also added the condition that he be at the jedi temple in the morning.

Being a young man who had just left the temple, he did not know where to go, so he just followed the people who ventured to the entrance of a noisy bar full of phosphorescent lights and loud music.

The amount of people overwhelmed him and he tried to open himself up to the drinks bar. Although alcohol was forbidden to Jedi, they didn't have to know that he was a Padawan.

"I want a drink" he asks out loud.

The man behind the bar ignores him tending to the others at the bar. Anakin looks at him annoyed, repeating his request, being ignored again.

"A whiskey" says a soft voice next to him.

Anakin turns towards the sound, taken aback by the sight, perhaps it was the beautiful brown hair illuminated by the lights that drew him in, or the way the suit molded to the woman's figure. The girl gives Anakin a look and then he knows it was the chocolate eyes that took his breath away.

"Make it two for my friend," adds the woman, "Aren't you too young to be here?"

Anakin forces himself out of her reverie to answer, "no, I don't look like it, I'm older now."

The woman teases receiving the drinks, quickly downing the alcohol from the glass. Anakin takes the cup and takes a drink, the drink burning his throat and he can't help but shudder.

"First time?" The woman asks looking at the scowl on Anakin's face.

Anakin takes another sip noticing how the taste isn't so bad, "I'll get used to it"

The woman lets out a laugh, "you better not do it" she tells him asking for a new drink, "I'm Erin"

"Erin" Anakin repeats with a bright smile knowing the pretty woman's name.

"That's me," Erin says raising her glass to Anakin before taking a long drink, "What's your name kid?"

"I already told you, I'm older" Anakin reproaches him with a snort, "I'm Anakin"

Erin scratches the end of her nose, "Do you want to get out of here, Anakin?"

Anakin nodded quickly, mentally scolding himself for how desperate he seemed to be to spend more time with the woman.

Erin directed them to the roof of a building, Anakin didn't know how they got there, but Erin seemed comfortable and that was enough for him.

Anakin jumps when he feels Erin's hand take the braid of her hair that he struggled to hide.

"You're a Padawan," Erin whispers.

"Very soon a Jedi," Anakin tells him proudly, "and one of the best pilots in the entire galaxy."

Erin takes a hip flask out of the pocket of her wool coat, Anakin is surprised at the amount of alcohol that could enter the woman's system.

"Of course you will be," she tells him, "but you have to promise me something."

Anakin nods, hoping that he will comply with her request.

"If you see me storming a building, running from the police or a lot of criminal things, you won't catch me."

"Are you a criminal?"

"Occasionally, just to avoid the mundane," Erin replies with a smile that rubs off on Anakin.

"Then it's a deal," Anakin says, reaching for Erin, the woman shaking the Padawan's hand.

They spent the next hour sitting in silence looking out over the bustling, illuminated city. It wasn't in Anakin's plans to spend his night off on the roof of a building, but nevertheless, he don't know how to complain, it seemed like a good turn of events, because now he was sitting next to the most beautiful woman he had ever had seen.

"Here you live?" Anakin asks, interrupting the long silence.

"Sometimes, I live everywhere, on different planets. I've seen most of the galaxy," Erin tells him, "I don't stay in one place much."

"How long will you stay?" Anakin asks him, afraid that he will leave soon, they had just met, he didn't want it to end so quickly.

"I'll be here for a year, after that I'll find another place to go"

Anakin plays with the fingers of his hands somewhat nervous and insecure.

"Well, we can always see each other, only if you want, of course"

Erin gives Anakin a look, "And will you be able to sneak out every night, Padawan?"

"I will," he tells her confidently, "only if you promise to see each other again."

Erin nods, taking a drink from her flask and then handing it ove, "to seal the promise," she tells him.

Anakin takes a sip, letting the liquid scratch his throat like the first time. With a smile after that, Erin laughs.

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