Chapter XVIII

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Thom had already given me a heads up. So I wasn't surprised when Mason showed up at my apartment door. I was in my warm fuzzy housecoat which had been a gift from Thom on the previous Christmas. I also held a cup of coffee in my hand when I reached over to unlock the door.

Mason's inky black hair was slicked back. His eyes matched his hair which used to intimate the hell out of me. That worked well in his favor in the courtroom. The man could have been a detective. It was extremely rare if a single detail got by. Think of the actor Ben Barnes but more of a New Yorker. He wore a highly fashionable suit that made him look built from a different mold compared to the rest of the men around his firm. He also had a light blue silky scarf that popped in contrast with his dark suit.

Mason took my wordless greeting as an invitation. He closed the front door behind him and followed me into the kitchen.

"I assume you still like your coffee black."


"Then allow me."

I handed him a coffee cup which had also been a gift from Thom about a couple of birthdays ago. It had a picture of an angry unicorn on it. Mason took no notice of this irony, or if he did, he saw no need to voice it. I also knew Mason did not show up to places if there was no purpose. There was something he wanted to say but he was polite enough to at least take a good gulp. I remained standing and rested my hip at the counter.

"He talks about you a lot." And there it was, the reason for his visit. I was silently thanking Thom for the heads up. "I don't quite think he realizes just how deeply infatuated he is with you." He took a small gulp this time.

"Thom had sort of said the same to me once." He was less blunt but still considerate on how I was going to take things.

"You don't share the sentiment?"

I thought about lying. I even thought about not answering him, but Mason was not the type to be fooled.

"I thought so." He said as if confirming whatever he saw in my face, or body posture. It was why he was so good at what he did. He took yet another gulp before he finally set the mug down. Mason's back remained straight and he carefully placed his arms over the table. His fingers knotted together as he watched me again. "As silly as this is going to sound, do you have any plans in telling him any of this?"

I nodded, not quite trusting my voice. I might've squeaked for all I knew. My throat felt dry and I walked over towards the sink for a glass of water.

"We could all save a lot of time and stress if most of us would say what we really feel to each other."

"Yeah but, I'm not even sure if I'm ready."

"You have tried speed dating. Haven't you?"

"Yeah, but-"

"But you're too hung up on one guy. It's not that you're not ready, it's because you don't want to be ready." When he put it like that, it almost made my eyes sting. "You can not drag this out forever."

"But is he ready?"

"I can not easily answer that."

"But you said he talks about me often." I had to hold myself back. There were so many little frustrations I wanted to say. I just couldn't bring myself to say them. A part of me wanted to throttle the nearest Cupid for causing this.

"I may be great at what I do, but I am not a psychic." He stated very matter of fact. "I can not say for certain how he might react. That is solely up to him, but I can say, for your own sake, don't hold this in forever. It will only cause you more harm."

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