A Nice Chase

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The sun shines over the many buildings of Brooklyn as a number of police cars crowd around a single alleyway in the city.

Police tape lines the sidewalk while a couple of officers motion for people to move around the area.

Meanwhile, inside the alleyway, a group of officers stare at the graffiti on the wall, a few of them shaking their heads while others just stare at it with their eyebrows raised.

Suddenly, all of them begin turning as a large number of vans pull up to the sidewalk, blocking that side of the street for an entire block.

These vans are painted all black and have animal control logos on the side. Out of them comes animal control officers with thick body armor and dart rifles. They start surrounding the area.

Out of the closest van to the alley, the only one which has the courtesy of having an officer from the outside open up, a female officer walks out and raises her head to look at the graffiti. Once she sees it, and the police officers standing around it, she groans, holds up her dart rifle to her chest and walks forward along with four other animal control officers.

The female officer walks down the alley as various animal control officers walk up to different police officers and tell them something, causing them to nod before then leaving the area, either in police cruisers or just on foot.

Once she gets close enough to the graffiti, the remaining police officers watching it walk by her, nodding to her in the process.

???: "Thanks for the call..."

Cop: "You're welcome mayor..."

Once the cops leave, she then turns and stands in front of the graffiti, her hands on her hips as the other animal control officers walk up behind her.

Animal Control Officer 1: "My goodness..."

Animal Control Officer 2: "Drawings like this? They're just.....just horrific...."

Animal Control Officer 3: "I would say twisted rather then horrific, but yeah, I guess that works...."

???: "No matter what you call it...."

The graffiti shows a mural of Brooklyn, with a theme park built on top of it and a dark figure laughing above it. The figure....has the shape of a giant monster turtle.

???: "...it's wrong."

The officers all look at each other as she shakes her head. One officer then steps forward to look at her.

Animal Control Officer 4: "Mam? Do you want me to call up Professor Egad?"

???: "No, I already spo-"

Suddenly, a nearby trashcan is knocked over, causing all of them to turn and aim their dart rifles at it.

After a few seconds of silence, the woman at the front turns her head to one of the others.

???: "Signal the rest..."

Animal Control Officer 5: "On it..."

The woman and the other officers slowly approach the trashcan as the officer she spoke to presses a button on her wrist, causing a red blinking light to appear on every officer's suit. The officers outside the alley all look at the light and run around the buildings surrounding the alley, their rifles held up in anticipation.

With each step, the officers get closer and closer to the trashcan, its smell and knocked over contents not providing much of a deterrent to the any of them.

Finally, once they reach it, the woman at the front of the group puts up a fist, causing the others to halt. She then slowly steps over the trashcan, placing herself as close to the brick wall of the building next to them as possible, and.....

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