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"If you are searching for your specs ,they are under the couch Tay ". said new who just arrived into the room to  watch Tay who is frantically looking for his spectacles at the table drawer that is behind the couch. Tay  got frightened for a minute because of New's voice booming in the lone office room. "You scared the f*ck out of me ai New" said Tay ,finally taking his specs and placing them in his specs box. "oh ,come on its not my fault you are jumpy" said new with a mischievous smile on his lips. "you......Just wait for my revenge" said Tay and left the room ,not forgetting to bump New's shoulder with his. New then started rubbing the shoulder dramatically  as if he didn,t care about Tay's warning.

Then New remembered something

"Tayyyy wait for me.....I want a ride back home....."new shouted while following Tay who is now heading towards the lift of the gmmtv building. While Tay is waiting for the lift to arrive ,new caught up to him" my house.." said new while panting ."what do you want new i can't hear you " said Tay with the same mischievous smile new wore a while ago.


As both of them are inside the lift new said "alright i know you can hear me well .sorry that i scared you now please drop me home"  while joining both his hands which made tay laugh despite him trying to control it.


As the lift opened Tay and new are walking towards the car bickering like they usually do when they heard a honk and turned towards where the noise arrived. A petite man got out of an expensive car and walked towards them. 

"P'Tay ,P'New just where did both of you keep your phones I have been trying to contact you for a while now .P'jack said both of you just left. thank god I am on time otherwise I would have missed you again."

Tay and New searched for their phones and saw that they were in silent until now and quickly apologized to gun and then new asked "why are you looking for us nong?" gun gave a toothy smile before answering" I want to invite both of you to a nightstay at my house.Its just that pim[gun's sister] is out of station with her friends and papii had a night shoot  today. you know I can't sleep alone at my house."  Tay and New looked at each other and New said "alright iam free tomorrow anyways" and tay answered giving an apologetic smile "sorry gun I had an early flight tomorrow for a photoshoot and i still did not pack my stuff "   its ok P'Tay then i will be taking P'New with me to my house now. alright said tay as he alone walked towards his car and drove away.

New then followed Gun who headed towards his car and both of them had a continuous chat about their professional lives and about the series they are acting.

After reaching gun's house both of them changed into a casual wear to sleep. New always carry a pair of casual clothes with him so that it will be useful just like right now. After both of them settled on either side of the bed Gun started

"So tell me P' New how are you"

that question caught new off-guard so after a long pause New answered "iam fine" with a distinct look in his eyes and posed why do you ask.?

"You can fool no one here P' "said Gun while keeping his head lying on the headboard looking out of the window that showcased a vanishing moon behind the clouds.

after a brief silence New started 

"Iam thinking about confessing to him." That made gun's head swiftly turn towards new with surprised expression

"did you think it through? I mean it could potentially damage what you guys had until now, just like 2 years back when....

"I know Gun.I know it.But its heavy gun ,that I just want to let it out and move on. Me falling for him more than this is dangerous to both of us don't you think?"

"well if that's what you feel go for it.But i do recommend you to wait until your series together is out and promotions are complete."

" know I won't repeat a mistake. anddd iam sleepy and tired so lets sleep ok good night..sweet dreams " saying that new took his blanket and covered himself from the toe to his head

"alrightttttt.good night" replied gun and made himself comfortable to sleep.

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