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"F*ck it is big" Ryan sighed

"Yes it is Marc" emphasized.

Ryan's pov

"So tell me now that you know everything what are gonna do with that video.Marc asked me."Actually I have been thinking if this video is gonna do me some good or not.But aren't these types of videos common in this industry?

"What do you think I would do?" I answered him with a question.

"Even if you release this video I don't think it is going to do much damage to both of them.If worst comes to worst the company will cover the news saying that they are leaked clips from the show or drama.Not to forget that the video is two years old though the time and date aren't mentioned.Aaand why bother him in the first place ?"

Marc raised his eyebrows playfully with a smirk.

"NO ONE IS BOTHERING ANYONE " I said in my slow yet dangerous voice.
Eventhough I said those words to Marc it looked like I sounded defensive.

"Alright brother calm down.Why do you always opt to violence when we can sit and talk."

"Well there is nothing to talk with you anymore.So you can leave."

"So cold" Marc muttered under his breath and left the tent.

My thoughts drifted about the questions posed to me by Marc.The thought that my brother loved New kind of irked me for some reason.If my brother is still in love with New he wouldn't date Namtarn in the first place.

Which means they have nothing more but friendship between them,then why was New so persistent to talk to me even when I hurt him?I mean friends don't do they?

When I was in deep thought some one came into the tent again and it made me release a huge sigh.No more headache please.


"Tayyy why aren't you replying to my messages ?"

"I have been busy."

"I know"she came closer to me and sat beside me. She is wearing a  blue blouson top with white short  skirt.Eventhough it appeared like she didn't put any makeup the faint redness of her lips and cheeks proved otherwise.

"Even if you are busy you have to at least read them right."There is a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

Ahhh I can't with these women.My entire life so far was surrounded around gunshots and random hookups with both guys and girls who seemed interested in me.I never had to pacify anyone in my life and now everyday looks like hell to me.I should quickly think of an escape plan .

"Now you avoid me even when I am in front of youuu."Nam started shouting.

"I am just thinking about something Nam."
By the time I completed my sentence Nam took my hands into her lap and said

"Tayy.......I know things aren't good between us since that day we quareled .Can't we just forget about it and be like before.?" and while looking into my eyes she spoke

"O..or should we take a break for sometime."

That kind of personally sounded great but I did tell that aloud.Tay and Nam should be in this relationship for me to continue my plans.

"Nooo Nam what are you talking about.? I ...can't No we can't do that." I started acting so dramatically which I learned from being my brother all these days.

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