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" So what that's then,this is now."

Nothing can match how New's face looks right now.

Just when he was about to say something someone came and informed that we are required on the set.

New turned around and left first and I followed.

The whole day I don't know why but I started observing him over and over how can he smile to everyone he is seeing in the set.Whenever I see that smile I just want to erase it from his face.

What is this I am feeling anyways

Ofcourse we were working together we see eachother all the time.I just cannot pinpoint what it is.I did feel attracted to him sometimes.i hate him sometimes.But that was never serious cause I have a lot of things to focus on to.

When I was thinking about all these things while waiting for the set to be ready Marc came and stood beside me.
He whispered into my ears
"Stop eye f*cking him and listen, the boss wants to meet you at the villa at 8:0 tonight."

"You have been talking to me like I never kept a fork near your neck a few seconds ago Marc" I replied nonchalantly .

"Thankyou for the praise, but the fork inside my neck will be the next thing if I did not inform this to you "

I looked his way for a few seconds and then to where I was looking few minutes ago and said "alright for the sake of your life I will be there".

"Now you talk like you never pressed a fork inside someone's neck."

"Acting's kicking in I guess"
Both of us shared a smirk.


3 Rd POV

On the other side of the city in a house that was situated in between the forest lies Tay inside a room that appears to be some six floors above the ground.

For it was just a assumption of his while looking through the window.

Will I survive if I jump through it,

he would think atleast once a day.

But he knows better.Even if he jumped and did survive he cannot escape the guards in all black that are even guarding like dogs even in the backyard.

Yes dogs...because heck with the respect and formalities with other people.

He made three futile efforts to runoff from this f*cking mansion but each time he was either knocked out or shown the gun.There is this one time he was so brave to even try to snatch the gun away from them which resulted in some big buldozer like man carrying him like a toddler and throwing him into the room.

These white effing walls are all he sees during the day.Him being kidnapped is just one of his many worries by the way.

The main thing that scares him was what his brother was planning to do being in his place.
One thing he knew from all this setup was that,his brother is not someone living a normal life.
He needs something big from him.
What scares him was that it's not as simple as revenge on his brother but something that is really BIG.
What is it?

New was on his way back after the long day of shoots.All the while he has been thinking about the way Tay spoke.It was so unlikely and unbelievable that Tay spoke to him that way.

Even Though they bickered for millions of times he was never offended by how Tay spoke to him.But this time he is and don't know what to do about this.One side of him says"he is just having a bad day and you sounded so jealous right there.You are at fault too"

And the other side of him says"No matter how much bad mood he is in he shouldn't have treated you that way.You are his bestfriend first , remember that."

Ahhhhhh what should I dooooo.....

He banged the steering like it would give him the finest solution..

End of the day it only gave him pain.


Well I really don't know what I published today so don't blame me for a small chapter.i really tried to concentrate but my mood was sooo down from the time I knew 🍒 🪄 is not going to be aired on YouTube anymore.I know there are many other illegal sites that would be uploaded after a day or two but I find it like offending the actors who worked hard for it.
But then I always watch the episode first and then go to insta so I won't see any spoilers beforehand.But now I guess I am going to only see the spoilers that the polcas from Thailand will be uploading.😭😭😭😭😭😭
Like who ever following the ship knows how difficult it is for them to have a comeback as good as this and now it's like"ohhh people are mad about this ship so let's play with their madness"
Even after the series aired they recieved negative comments and now this copyright issue.Give them a break yaarrr.if anyone want to discuss about this with me you can msg me on wattpad

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