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After the shoot Ryan reached  the villa that is situated far from the city .It looked all white from outside with a dark aura surrounding it ,with big bulky men guarding the whole place.

Entering inside, the house was surrounded by white walls ,a computer displaying the CCTV and an office table with two chairs opposite to eachother.There seems to be other rooms that were locked and closed.In short it looked like a mini office.

All the Men went on guard when Ryan entered the house.
"Relax guys he is one of us" a voice boomed which made the men relax.
While walking towards the source of voice Ryan emphasized "I never agreed to be one of you Mr. Victor for, I am my own self"

"I wish your work is as sharp as your tongue Mr Ryan Vihokrantana" Victor said while offering a chair

Rage seemed to fill in Ryan while listening to those words but made himself comfortable in the opposite chair of Victor.

"Well what can I do when a certain someone doesn't even know when he was being spied by the police." Ryan answered with a smirk on his face.
Victor tightened his jaw and looked away while Ryan was eyeing him with a piercing gaze.

Silence followed for a few minutes.

" Alright what' s done is done so let's move on to the dates when you are going to deliver the weapons to us." Victor said

"What happened was alright for you Victor not for me.You let A  FUCKING POLICE SPY as one of your Men .He leaked the information about our delivery and now they are searching for me.I fled from Mexico because of a silly mistake of yours.what do you expect.For your information I am not delivering some instant food but f* cking weapons that could destroy a whole country in one day." Ryan shouted like a mad man.

The men around Victor were alarmed while Victor had a small smirk on his face as if he was expecting all this to happen.

"Ryan do you think we all want this to happen.Even the information regarding our hideouts, important contacts and future plans were all leaked.We are also of stuck here just like you were.Don't you know iam also answerable to those complex political shit leaders up there."

Victor answered to convince the man opposite to him.

"I know Marc already informed you.We can only stop the IBI for 45 days until they reach you.If the mission is accomplished by that time,we planned a perfect escape route from Thailand to Seoul and you will be free to go anywhere in the world from there" he continued.

" Oh comeon I am not lousy at my work like you Victor."Ryan smirked.

"The weapons already are moved from the factory.Just ask those shit political leaders to atleast manage the port officers of Thai .The Mexican port, I will manage. They will be  here in 20 days.The intra transport around the country and distribution will take a maximum of 10 days.The 31 St day I am out of this country."Ryan completed with a professional tone.

Victor was kind of amazed by this person.Even under so much of pressure the game was still in his control.Butm he did not let any of this show on his face. He just nodded and dialed a few numbers.After the call he informed Ryan that the approval from port is his work and he would do it,this time without fail.

Ryan walked away from the mansion to his car and proceeded to go home.


it's been 3 days since that day Ryan talked to New that day.
After 3 days they met eachother again in the filming location.
They avoided eachother the whole time except when they had a scene together.

In the evening during a break Ryan recieved a call.

Peng  it said.

Yes the phone that belonged to his brother was now with him.

He answered the call after a few rings

"Hey peng long time no see"said the other side

"Yeah" Ryan replied boringly

"What's with that platonic tone hah?" Off asked

"Tell me what you want." Irritation was evident in Ryan's voice.

"Had a fight with New ?.isn't that why you are grumpy.? "Off replied sarcastically

"Tell me what you want or I am cutting off the line" he shouted. Don't know why that sentence irked him so much

"Alright you are in a bad mood.i am letting this go cause we have a important matter to discuss "off said

"And what is that" Ryan wasn't interested

"ok i want  to inform you that finally that pendrive that we are searching for,We got it." He said excitedly

"Ok" Ryan said carefully

"What ok peng we have been searching it for a year now.Its all thanks to Nanon we got the pendrive at last.That f* cker tried to bargain with us but now he is rotting in jail."

What pendrive?Why search for it for a year?who is that that tried to bargain ? Many questions came

"So who have the pendrive now" Ryan asked carefully

"With me ofcourse."

"Send it to me" Ryan said

"I thought you ask me to delete it. Why do you want it anyways."

Now he is really curious about this pendrive.Why fight for a pendrive that should be deleted.It must be a secret that shouldn't be out.if he get it he will have a perfect way to ruin Tay's life he thought

"Don't delete it I ....I will delete it myself just send it" he said

"Alright then I will drop by at night."

"Yeah .....oh ok"

"Ok peng see you." Why is acting so suspicious today? Off thought.

NOT U | Taynew FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora