chapter -9

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3rd person's POV

"Tay I want to talk to you"

"New,I think any conversation can need to take proper rest for now."

"I am fine.i just want ask.....are you hiding something from me"

"Why do you think I am hiding anything from you hah" Tay said with a tensed laugh on his face.

"You were being obvious tay.since how many years do we know eachother?You have been acting too suspicious.I don't know what's bothering you so much.You always share things with me Tay.what happened to us now.I thought you would always talk to me about anything that bothers you.So tell me when iam asking nicely." New said while looking determined to know the truth.

"I don't know what you are talking about"
Tay said while turning his back to New who was looking at with wide eyes.
Tay won't be able to hide anything while looking straight into New's eyes.
New forcefully grabbed Tay and turned to face him.

"Now tell me don't you know what I am talking about" New said while looking straight into Tay.

Tay forcefully removed New's hands away from him.

"Should I say about everything to you.And if anything is really bothering me, you don't have to worry because it definately has nothing to do with you."Tay shouted with an annoying expression on his face.After like two minutes of silence Tay huffed to calm himself down and said

"I don't have time for this unwanted conversation New.Lets talk later." And walked towards the door.

"You have someone else now don't you "

This made Tay stop in his tracks.

"You did share all these things that are bothering you.You are seeing someone weren't you Tay.You think I will never know if you never said a word to me."

"What do mean someone else now hah?
I think I have to make this clear New.Do we have anything between us.We were never a thing to begin with.If I do like someone else what is it to you hah? Shouldn't you be happy as a bestfriend that you claim to be. but clearly you are not.Are you afraid  that someone else is with me.That I will not have enough time for you or be there to listen to your nonsense all the time."

By the time Tay realised what he spoke New was in the verge of tears.New turned to the other side to cover his crying eyes.Tay immediately went and tried to hug New

" New I din't mean.....

So I speak nonsense now huh.alright then listen to this nonsense and then leave.New said while wiping his tears off his face.

Yes I am not happy that you have someone else in your life.Yes I am afraid that you would not have your precious time for me.yes I am afraid that you will leave me all alone like you all left me two years ago.Yes I am afraid to tell P'Jack that you were the one who made me read those damn letters for God knows what reason.Yes I am afraid that you would reject me if I said that I have feeling for you.I am such a coward"


"Alright now that you have heard last of my nonsense,leave.Just go to your girlfriend or boyfriend who ever it is and laugh it off like a joke". New shouted while walking towards his bed room when he felt Tay's hand catching his and dragged him towards the sofa and made him sit there.He leaned on his knees to sit opposite to New.

"What do you mean I made you read those letters New.?"He asked calmly.

"After all I have said you only caught those lines huh"

"No New listen I need to know please tell me."

"You were the one who argued with me that I have to read those letters from our fans as to respect them.And when I read them you looked at me and said I gave a great reaction.And then you were like you didn't know why I read them."

You are dead Ai Ryan thought Tay.He then looked at New.

"New..You know what.I used to love you New.Really.But I was a coward back then two years ago when you said you have a girlfriend.So I left.I thought you would be happy with her.That being away from you would fix us.So I went away.And I tried to get over you.It was three months ago that I think I completely moved on New.Turned out both of us are cowards after all.
I...Nam and Me are dating since three months.i thought to tell everyone after our series aired.I kept a lot of effort all these years to move on from you only for you to tell me you like me too.Me accepting Nam it was not out of pity.i like her now New.If only you or I said these words to eachother we would have given it a chance.I......I just can't ruin a perfect relationship that I have now for a unrequited love I had a few years ago.Guess I still am a coward."

New was completely in tears.After what felt like eternity New brought himself together and spoke

"I am late this timeAm I not?.alright.i don't want to be selfish Tay but can we please forget this conversation and continue to be like before.I can't lose a friend like you tay.please."

"Ofcourse New.We can do that" Tay hugged New tightly when a message popped in his phone.

It read

"Why dont we meet

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"Why dont we meet.?Or should I meet your girlfriend before you."

" Don't you dare go near her Ryan" he messaged fast leaving New and running towards the door.

"Alright see you brother Tay and don't you dare bring anyone else or else they are good to be DEAD."

" I will be back New.please be carefull" Tay said and left.

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