chapter -17

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After the shoot is over everyone is busy packing their stuff and going home.New and Ryan are also in a room packing to leave when P'Jack entered.

" New can you drop Tay at his house today .I need the company car to drop off the girls ,you know for their safety and all."

Hearing no response from New Ryan answered

" No need I will hail a cab or call P'Ting and ask if the car is ready."

"Ow....both of you are going in the same direction so I thought you would go together ...alright I will hail a.......

Even before Jack completed his sentence New replied

"No need P' I will drop him you don't have to hail anything "

Ryan just wanted to reach home fast so he could see what's in the pendrive so he just did not bother to protest.

Hearing no protest from Tay,New felt happy for some reason.Maybe he could makeup with him this time, New expected.

Silence followed in the car for a while.

Tay seems pensive for some reason maybe I should make him distract so he won't be occupied with his unwanted overthinking thought new

"Te let's eat at the Food Street down the bridge before we reach your condo." I said while paying unwavering attention to the road.

"Not hungry " he replied after a pause.

"But it didn't look like you ate anything during the shoot. .I am kind of craving for fried chicken.So let's go na."  New asked with the softest voice he could muster.Most of the time this voice made Tay agree with anything that New wants in a matter of seconds.

"I have work.just go alone after dropping me off. " Ryan is trying to be composed.

New was in a state of shock.Just what made him change so much in a matter of weeks.This was the coldest answer Tay had given him since they knew each other.

After sometime he mustered up the courage to talk again

"B...But you really didn't have anything since morn........"

Even before New completed speaking Ryan shouted all the while watching New,

"WHY DO YOU CARE.? Isn't it none of your business whether I have eaten anything or not during the whole day.?Why do you have to meddle in my business all the time? Afterall you are just my partner onscreen.why don't you behave that way.?"

The car came to a halt by the time Ryan stopped shouting.

"And why the heck did you stop the car" he shouted while looking at New whose face showed no expression.

"W..we reached " New said slowly while looking outside the window.

Ryan then turned around to see his condo,he immediately unbuckled the seatbelt and rushed out of the car while New was trying hard to control his tears which were stubborn to escape from his eyes.

Just a partner on screen ......hah .You shouldn't have talked to him today New.We at least had a label of being friends before you started to talk,now you even lost that .  New thought out loudly inside the empty car before letting out a heavy sigh all the while steadying his breath.While driving back New made a conviction that he never thought he would make.


Ryan immediately closed the door after reaching the condo and released a long sigh eventually settling himself on the couch.Ryan dint want to admit but the presence of his brother's supposed to be series partner is bothering him too much.All of the words he spoke to that man seemed to have ignited  pain in the man's heart.It was clearly evident a second ago how the man lost all his colour just for a food rejection.

Why does he care anyway.? He himself hasn't noticed that he did not eat anything during the day,but the man noticed.Why should he? Wasn't he mean enough the last time they talked.?If he was not then this time he knows he sure is today.

Ryan dont let other thoughts gather.You are going to be out of here after a few weeks with the one who is precious to your brother and never see any of these people again.He said to himself out loud in his empty condo when the door bell rang.

"Peng why take so much time to open up."Off at the door when I reached the door

"Pendrive" even before Off entered the house Ryan enquired.

"Why so hasty " Off invited himself in and settled at the couch.

"Won't you ask if I need water or something" off again broke the silence.

"Quit playing and handover the pendrive Off" Ryan said,the tone was dangerous.

"Heard you weren't concentrating on the series.May I know the reason?" Off just pushed another question.

"Nothing that bothers you so don't mind."Ryan resigned asking for the pendrive.Not like the man infront of him will runaway will he?

"I am being serious here " off crouched his eyes closer looking at Ryan like he was looking at his soul and continued.

"Does it have anything to do with your brother?"

The hell he knows.Ryan was hit with the least expected question at the least expected time.How much does the guy know.?what should he do if knows.?too many questions .Yet he held his breath and answered.

"Nah not a matter to worry" he shrugged it off as coolly as possible.

"Alright then I won't ask more.Here is the pendrive.Make sure to delete the contents just in case.It wouldn't be good if someone again accidentally knows." Off handed over a black box to Ryan

"Yeah" Ryan just replied and Off left the condo.

" Time to see what you are hiding LITTLE BROTHER" Ryan thought while playfully dangling the box in his hand.

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