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Meanwhile,New was just sitting on his bed,tightly hugging his knees,rethinking about all the instantaneous decisions he took in his life.

Taking engineering was one.

Entering showbizz was one.

Accepting a girls proposal that he barely knew was one.

He never thought proposing to a certain Tay tawan would be one of them too.

Did he regret it? he don't know.

Atleast he knew that Tay USED to love him.All those times he looked into his eyes and thought they meant something, they are not delusions of his own.Tay did love him,then.He was just too stupid to understand and that guy was much of a stupid to not tell him.Regreting now wouldn't get him anything now anyways.
Now that he knows what Tay feels for him.what should he do.?Bury his feelings in the sand and move on?did he have an option.Its not true to say that it never crossed his mind that Tay might reject him for one or the other reason.He did give his brain that thought but a suitable answer was never recieved to him.Maybe living through this is the only probable solution.He would get better.Hell he went through a lot more than this in the last two years.

All of these thoughts maybe one thing but facing Tay tomorrow at the shoot and act as a lovey dovey couple was entirely another thing.Tgey had their new series shoot tomorrow and here New was nearly having a hard time to figure his situation out.
Shit,Gun had warned him.He did say "wait till the series aired."Now all the things will turn awkward as hell.

May be sharing his pain would help? He quickly took his mobile and was about to dail gun's number when he remembered that his friend had his own shit going on and Tay and Nam's relation was a secret afterall.It would not be too good to spread this news to anyone else.So he decided to just face it himself.
Ah f*ck
Tomorrow is tomorrow.Lets deal with it tomorrow.He shouted to nothingness and tried to sleep.failing yet again.Miserably.


Ryan went to Tay's apartment.Its not new to him.He did go there without Tay's knowledge a few times.Why not?face recognition was one option for the door lock password anyways.Tay is dumb was what Ryan understood.He looked through the house again and again to remember where everything was.He have to be another person from now on.Not that he is not prepared.He did care about being a whole another person.He did practice to use his left hand from the last five years,learning how to sing and remember Thai recent song lyrics,how to act according to a scene.One may think that Ryan want live Tay's life, but no ,he doesn't want Tay's life. he needs to ruin it to the core,in order to do that he needs to reach the core first that's what he was going to do now.

He made sure that by the time he achieved his dream Tay would remain silent in Chaing mai, in between his men.Making sure he would never escape unless he wanted him to.
The only thing that he felt challenging that is to convince his brother's friends that he was the one they knew.Tay must not be too dumb to not tell about his twin brother to anyone.After his first threat with New he was pretty sure that Tay's movements were suspicious.He did talk a lot with his Peng and Nong Nanon .The thing is he didn't know to how much extent they knew about Tay's situation.
It doesn't matter whether they knew or not he just have to take care of them in his way.


The main door opened with a loud bang and as a reflex Ryan's hands reached to his gun tucked in his back and made a swift turn towards the door only to see a suprised face of Nam.He quietly tucked back the Gun which he did not take completely out and covered it with his shirt.

"Hey Nam"Ryan said with a smile.
He did not get a reply from her and instead she just closed the door more loudly and ran to the kitchen.Well that kind of behaviour pissed him off to an another level.

He followed Nam throughout the house where ever she goes and the thing was he was running out of pacience every second.Nam started to cook something feeing ignorance to the guy

"Nam talk to me" he grabbed her hand forcefully and turned her towards him

"What?you have no time to see me the entire day cause of your IMPORTANT WORK.Now you just look at me like I was at fault hah?"

Okay Ryan did not like someone shouting at him.So he pulled Nam into a kiss.He just tightly grabbed her hair and nibbled her lips.It was serious like venting some kind of anger.She resisted at first but after a few seconds she got too involved and enjoyed the feel in it.They broke the kiss when Nam felt she was too out of breath.

The guy was still standing there with a poker face.Ryan then started advancing towards her and when there was no space between them,Nam interrupted by pushing Ryan with her hands slightly

"Tay,Tay,Tay let's calm down alright.You look kind of scary right now.We will talk when you were in your right mind alright." As Nam said these words she walked to the main door and left.

Ryan did not feel the urge to follow her.Of course he is not an inch intrested in her.But this recording will of course break his brother's heart.

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