Chapter 10: Scars Only Ever Fade...

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Matthew Casey's POV
I can see the hurt in her eyes as she walks out the door and slams it shut behind her. Then Hally says, "You heard her Matt. She said continue..."
I push Hally away and start getting dressed. She tries to grab my hand, but I pull away from her and pull on my shirt I walk out the door shutting it completely.
I couldn't beleive what I'd just done to Gabby. I had slept with my ex thinking it was her.
I head to the commons and look around. Then I hear a door slam and Mills comes in and walks up to me. He says, "I know your looking for Gabby, but she doesn't want to talk to you right now, let alone see you. You broke her Casey, and you will regret it."
I stare at him and try to walk past him, but he stops me. I push past him and get a few feet away from him when he lunges at me. Odis and Cruez jump up and stop him. They take him into the locker room ,and I hear the ring of locker being hit from here. I turn around and head out into the engine bay where the squad sits quietly. I walk over to the company truck and check for her. When I see she's not here I go to the ambulance.
I see her sitting in the back with the doors open, crying. I walk up to her and she doesn't even look to see who it is. I sit down beside her, and she looks over at me as Mills comes around the corner looking calmer than before. I stand up and he comes and stands in front of me.
"Listen, I didn't know that it wasn't her. I had went into my office and the shades were drawn and the lights were off when I walked over and sat down on my bed Hally had wrapped her arms around me and I thought it was Dawson. I didn't mean to hurt her." I say then turn to Dawson and say, "I'm sorry. Gabby I love you. Believe me please."
Then her phone goes off and she looks at the screen, I can see from where I'm standing that it's her brother, Antonio.
She answers it and I hear someone say something and she replies, "No, Antonio. Do not come here. I don't think I could handle any more drama today."
Antonio tells her something and she says, "Yo también te quiero, adiós."
I don't know what she says, and then she hangs up and walks off.
Mills follows her and I trail behind them. We walk into the commons and Gabby sits down at the couch. Mills sit at the table and I follow him, but we sit at opposite ends of the table.

An hour later

Antonio walks in and Gabby walks over to him and asks, "What I can't come visit my sister while she's at work?"
He looks over me and then back at Gabby. She whispers something to him and they walk outside...

Gabriela Dawson's POV
I walk outside and he gives me a hug.
"How are you doing?" He asks me.
"I really don't know at this point. If I had to describe it I'd say... Broken. I feel broken." I say as I stare out at the city lights off in the distance. He nods and says, "If I can do anything for you, Gabby. I'll do it."
I shake my head and give him another hug. He nods says, "See you later."
Then walks off. I turn around and see Mills standing at the door. I walk over to him and he gives me a hug. He acts like he's about to say something when we get another call. "Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, and Battalion 25 structure fire at 18597 Kingston Rd." I head for the ambulance and get in...

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