Chapter 19: Truck 81's Bar

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Leslie Shay's POV
I wake up and look around. At first I'm confused then I remember I'm in Kelly's room.
I think back to last night. Kelly had told me he loved me. Then kissed me, and I let him instead of slapping him like I usually would have. He had just held me until we had both fallen asleep.
When I roll over Kelly isn't there.
I sit up and walk over to my room. I grab a flannel and pair of shorts and put them on. Then I walk down stairs to find Kelly leaning on the bar.
"Listen, Shay, I'm sorry about last night. I don't know why I said what I said and did what I did. It was probably the concussion talking. I promise, it won't happen again." Kelly tells me as soon as he sees me.
"Kelly, if I had wanted to stop you I would have. Don't worry about it, and remember I didn't have a concussion last night." I tell him then kiss him on the cheek.
I walk past him and start the coffee pot. Then he asks, "So what does this mean? Oh, and don't forget you have that date thing today with Deedee."
I think about it and then say, "Kelly, I don't really know. Also I cancelled that date last night."
"Why?" He asks.
"Deedee texted me and said she couldn't make it." I tell him.

Gabriela Dawson's POV
I wake up to see it's daylight so I sit up and pull off. I drive to the bar Herman, Otis, and I had went three ways on. We were still working on a name, but we had only been inside it once. It needed to be cleaned, so that's what I'm going to do.
I park across the street and walk up to it. I pull out the key Herman had gave me and I open the door wide. I prop the door open with a door stopper, and walk in. As I walk inSide I cough and squint so I can see. Dust is as thick as smoke in here. I make my way over to the bar and rub my hand across it. My hand comes away covered in dust, so I walk over to a table where a rag is laying. I pick it up and start cleaning the bar off.
When I finish, the wood gleams in the dim light coming from the dirty windows and open doorway. I move, next, to the liquor cabinets behind the bar and clean the wooden frames off. Then, I grab some glass cleaner and start wiping off the glass fronts of the cabinets. I move next to the windows and quickly clean the grime off them.
I step back and look at what I've done when I finish. I smile and then here someone come in the door. I turn around to see Mills standing in the doorway.
"Finally found you. Shay called Herman, Mouch, Otis, Cruz, Casey, and me. She said you were missing, that you hadn't came back last night. We've been searching all day." He tells me.
"I slept in my car then came here. I've been cleaning the whole time. I feel like all I've been doing lately is hurting everyone I care about." I tell him as I put my head in my hands and lean against the bar.
"Gabby, you are the nicest, kindest girl I know, and sorry if this is coming at the wrong time or a little late, but you are also the most attractive girl I've ever seen." He says.
I smile and say, "Thank you. I just wish I felt like that was true.."
As I say that Mills comes around the bar and hugs me. I hug him and he pulls back. I'm about to ask what's wrong when I see Casey, Cruz, Herman, Otis, and Shay all standing at the door.
I instantly feel betrayed. I push away from Mills, and go around the bar. I grab my jacket, and push past all of them as I pull my jacket on.
"See you all at work." I say as I walk over to my car.
I get in and drive to my house. When I get there I walk over to my Wall of Fame board and start pulling pictures off.
First, the picture of me and Casey. Then, the one of Mouch at the fire house. Next I pull the one of Shay and me off. I then pull the one of the Chief and I standing in front of the fire house. I pull the one off of Mills after his first fire off. I take the one of Cruz and his brother off and set it down with the others. I pull the one of Herman and his wife at the hospital with their third kid off and look at it one more time before setting it down. Then, I pull the one of Severide cooking breakfast at the house off. Lastly, I pull the one of Otis sitting on my front steps with a beer in his hand off.
I pick the small pile of pictures up and walk over to my desk where I put them all in envelopes. I sign each persons name with the date of the picture on the front of the envelope then put them in my work bag.
I look at the clock and see that it's four o'clock. I walk over to my fridge and pull out a TV dinner. I put it in the microwave and wait for it to finish while I open a bear. When the microwave dings I pull my TV dinner out, and stand at the island to eat it. After I finish eating I go take a long, hot shower then get out and put my pajamas on. I set my alarm, crawl in to bed, and go to sleep...

Burning Flames (Chicago Fire Fan-fiction) - Under EditingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon