Chapter 55: Prayer For Dawson

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It had been three and a half hours since we had first prayed, and we'd been praying every thirty minutes. Each time more staff and visitors would join. We had just finished praying again for the eighth time. It was now three forty and we still had no news, except for she was still in surgery.
Kelly hands me a cup of black coffee and I take a drink. The firehouse had been pulled out of service two and a half hours ago. Chaplain Rolinski was going around praying with individuals the whole time. Especially Antonio who had came in three hours ago with Lindsay and Jay.
"Family of Firefighter Gabriela Dawson?" A doctor asks.
Everyone stands up and he says, "Ms. Dawson just got out of surgery. The piece of metal missed her Achilles' tendon, but it is still undetermined whether she will be able to use the leg or not. We will be able to tell more when she wakes up, which should be in about an hour." The doctor tells us. We all nod and he walks off.
"Gather round, everyone. We are going to pray for Gabriela again." Chaplain says.
Everyone gathers around this time including a dozen visitors and a lot of the staff.
"Lord, we pray to you now in our time of need once more. You have answered our prayers throughout the past four hours lord. You have brought Gabriela safely through her surgery. Now we pray to you to heel her, Lord All Mighty. Let her walk again. Do not let her go cripple, Lord. Let her rise from her bed, healed. She has saved many lives, and now we pray to you to let her to continue doing that by healing her leg so she may not be cripple. It is your will, My Lord. Do to her what you may. We are thankful that she is alive... Amen." The Chaplain says.
His words are followed by a chorus of staff, patients, visitors, friends, family, firefighters, and paramedics saying, "Amen."

2 days later

Our prayers must have been heard because within an hour of waking up Gabby was arguing with staff, and trying to get up.
Now, Casey, Herman, Severide, Cindy, and I were sitting in her room talking to her.
"I'm fine, guys. You people need to get your butts back to work." Gabby argues.
"Yeah, not happening. The house has been pulled out of service for an hour this morning, though we actually have about twenty minutes before we have to leave." Casey says.
"What's with the language, Dawson? It's not like your in a room full of kids, kid." Herman says.
"No, but there is a kid across the hall. A cancer patient." She says looking through her open door in to another patients room.
"She wants to be firefighter. They don't know if she's going to make it or not, though." She says.
She sits up. She was wearing a pair of blue CFD basketball shorts and a Squad t-shirt. Her left leg was bandaged, and she grabbed her crutches from beside her bed.
"And where do you think your going?" Severide asks stepping in front of her.
"Come on, Lieutent, I want you to come meet Tiffany. Matt, Shay, Herman, Cindy, you too." She says before making her way across the hall to the little girl's room.
"She isn't on walking restrictions as long as she uses her crutches or wheel chair at least." Cindy says as we follow her across the hall.
Thank god Gabby didn't have an IV, it would be terrible for her to get around. She had been getting her medicines in shots every time they did rounds.
We walk in to the girls room to find her and the little girl she had called Tiffany to be a fifteen year old teenager. She and Gabby were laughing about something.
"Tiffany, meet my lieutenant, Kelly Severide, his fiancé and a paramedic, Leslie Shay, my fiancé whose is also a firefighter, Matthew Casey, one of my closest friends, partner in business, and fellow firefighter, Christopher Herman, and his wife, Cindy Herman." Gabby says pointing to us each as she names us off.
"Man, you basically have a family of firefighters don't you." Tiffany says.
"This is just a fragment of my family, but yes. My brothers a police detective, you met him yesterday." Gabby says pulling up a chair to sit beside Tiffany's bed.
"So I'm told you want to be a firefighter." Herman says giving Tiffany a hug.
"Yeah... but the doctors don't know if I'm going to make it. My parents can barely stand to see me anymore, they focus most of their attention on my little brother Blake." Tiffany says.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but consider yourself part of our family now. Fire house 51." Kelly says shaking Tiffany's hand.
"Wow, thanks. I'm surprised you guys are so... so kind and welcoming." Tiffany says as she shakes Casey's hand and I hug her.
"Well, it's not just a paramedic who is supposed to be kind. It's not like we're machines. I mean this ones danger prone, Lieutenant Severide used to drink heavily, Shay used to be lesbian, Casey is always panicking when it comes to Dawson getting hurt, and I have five kids. We're as much humans as you are." Herman says as Cindy hugs Tiffany.
"Wow, nothing like the Chiefs at the press conferences on TV are you?" Tiffany says smiling.
"The big whigs have skeletons too. All of us do. Probably more than most people considering what we go through." I say sitting down on the edge of Tiffany's bed.
Tiffany laughs as Herman looks at his watch.
"Oh man, Boden's going to kill us. We need to go. Come on, Cindy, I'll drop you off at your parents so you can pick up the kids." Herman says.
We all check our watches, and rush out.
Kelly and I get in his car, and pull out.
"I think that girl would make a pretty good firefighter." Kelly says as we stop at a stoplight.
"Yeah, or paramedic. I hope she makes it." I say as we turn down the street to the house...

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