Chapter 33: Traitor

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When we get to the hospital they wheel her in and start an IV drip. A nurse walks over to us and asks, "Our computer server is down. Do you know what blood type she has?"
"O+ same as me." I say.
The nurse nods and says, "Thank you, and I'm guessing your her husband. Come with me."
"I'm her fiancé actually." I say as we walk over to Gabby's room.
I sit down beside her as they start her blood transfusion. I take her hand and she slightly smiles at me with her eyes just the slightest bit open. She squeezes my hand and I smooth her hair back from her face. A few minutes later Smith walks in.
"How she holding up? Best Damn firefighter I've ever worked with." He asks.
I start to say something when Gabby replies, "I'm awake, Lieutenant, and thanks."
"Brewer is here. He's coming back on duty." Smith says.
She nods, and then closes her eyes. I rub her hand with my thumb and the nurse says, "She's sleeping now. Her blood transfusion is almost done. Also one visitor at a time. The young man that walked in can stay. You need to go."
I look at Smith and then kiss Gabby on the forehead. I walk out and sit down beside Severide. Shay walks over to us and sits down in Severide's lap. She asks, "How's she doing, and why aren't you in there with her?"
"I got kicked out. Smith came in there and the nurse said he could stay, but I had to leave. That I had to go; only one visitor at a time." I say a little bit ticked off.
I get up and walk over to where Herman is standing.
"Get your ass back in there, Lieutenant. She's your fiancé and she will want to see you when she wakes up." Herman says as he guides me over to her room.
I sigh and walk in. The first thing I see when I walk in is Smith leaning over her kissing her forehead. I grab the back of his shirt and pull him backward. I drag him out of her room and outside. Both companies follow us out.
"Don't ever take advantage of her like that. She's engaged, and not to you. You never kiss another man's fiancé. If you lay another finger on her without her permission I will lay your ass out. Hear me. Now get your ass out of here." I say as I let him go outside the hospital.
His company walks over to him. All of them except Lieutenant Brewer. He walks over to me and says, "I'm sorry about this. Smith isn't usually like this. I'll make sure he stays away from Fire House 51, Matt, at least on duty."
I nod and I walk back in with my company. I walk in to Gabby's room and sit down beside her. I take her hand and say, "I know you can handle yourself, but I won't let anyone take advantage of you, Baby Girl."
She tightens her grip on my hand and says, "Don't leave me, Matt. Don't let me go."
I look at her and realize she's talking in her sleep. I hold her hand until the nurse comes back in and stops the blood transfusion. She's about to say something to me when she thinks better of it. She pulls out a needle and pushes what looks like adrenaline into Gabby's IV drip, and walks out.
A few minutes later Gabby wakes up and the nurse brings her stuff in. Gabby sits up and says, "Thank you, Matt. I love you and I will always love you."
I hand her her bag and kiss her. She sits up and pulls a Chicago Fire Department T-shirt out of her bag. She quickly changes T-shirts and gets up.
I grab her bag and we walk out to the desk. The nurse hands Gabby some papers, and says, "Sign these and you are free to go."
Gabby signs them and the nurse waves us away. We walk out to where the Truck, Squad Truck, Ambulance, and Battalion Truck are waiting. Gabby looks at them and says, "I'm not riding in ambo again today. Jones get in ambo I'm riding Truck."
Jones gives me and look and I nod to her. She shakes her head and follows Shay and Mills to the ambulance.
We get in the truck and take off. "Back again, boys. So Dawson how long are you going to be back on?" Cruz asks.
She replies, "Permanently, but after I go back on duty. I think Jones is getting switched to another shift."
I hear Mouch say, "Yes! That girl can not cook, and the only other person on duty that can cook won't."
I laugh and start to say something when we get a rescue call.
"Shit." I say, then into our radio, "Squad, did you get that call?"
"Yeah, we are rerouting now. Meet you there." Severide replies.
Cruz flips the lights and sirens on and we speed up. The radio comes on and Jones asks, "Lieutenant, what do you want me to do here with ambulance?"
"Your job, Jones." I say in reply to the radio.
We pull up and I see a man impaled on a fence. We get out and go over to the man.
"We need to get him off this fence." I say as the others walk over to me.
Gabby pulls on a pair of latex gloves and says, "Lieutenant, if we do he will bleed out before we can get him half way to the ambulance. If you cut the fence off around him he has a greater chance of survival. It will be harder to transport him, but it might save his life."
I look at her and say, "Good call, Squad your going to have to cut him off. We don't have a saw that could cut through that iron rod."
Severide nods and they get to work. A few minutes later they have him cut off. We lift him onto the stretcher and they load him into the ambulance.
The ambo pulls off and Jones walks over to me and asks, "Now what, Lieutenant, am I walking?"
"Dawson, when we get back to the house increase all of Jones' drilling add as much as you want to it. Jones, you are to follow everyone of Dawson's orders to a T. If you don't Herman, Dawson, and I will all be drilling you." I say as everyone gets into the truck, "Jones your seat, and Dawson ride with Squad."
Gabby nods and walks over to where Squad is starting to get in. She says something to Severide and he looks at me then back at Dawson and nods. They get in and pull off as I get in the truck.
We pull off and Jones says, "Lieutenant, I didn't mean it. I was only busting balls. You guys do it all the time."
Furious I turn around in my seat and say, "We never do it on scene, never put someone in a position where they have to leave one of their own or send them somewhere else, and never joke about Gabriela Dawson. She is a damn good firefighter, and has risked life and limb to save others and us. She has earned the right to ride in this truck, and should not have to ride with another company. You have not, so you better work your ass off to stay on truck because I am this close to reporting you and taking you off Truck. Do not say another word, got it?"
Herman adds, "Remember, the one friend that you have on this shift is Dawson. Don't make an enemy out of her. She's worse than all of us combined."
Jones nods and looks out the window...

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