Chapter 32: Back Against the Wall

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I watch as Gabby walks over to Lieutenant Smith and shakes his hand. He hugs her shoulders and he walks off. I walk over to where my company is waiting and Cruz asks, "How's Dawson, is she going to the hospital?"
I shake my head and say, "No, she won't go back. She said the only injury she has is a black eye. Let's pack it up and leave. Squad has left already."
I get in the truck and the others follow. I look out to where Shay is trying to talk Gabby into going to the hospital. I role my finger in the air and we pull off...

Gabriela Dawson's POV

After I finish talking with Shay I walk over to Chief Jones and ask, "Chief Jones can I get back to the house? We aren't that far and I'd like to walk so I can clear my head."
The chief nods and I pull my radio and jacket on. Then pickup my helmet and bunker gear jacket, and start walking towards the house.
I wasn't ready to stop working again. I felt like my back was against a wall and I didn't know who had it. I stop as a woman walks up to me and says, "Firefighter, I need your help my brother is hanging from that fire escape up there on our right side of the building."
I look and see a man hanging on to the edge of a fire escape. I start running and the woman calls out, "He's on the top floor apartment 56!"
I hit the stairs running and get to the top floor. I run to the end of the hall and see apartment 56.
I grab the door knob, but it's locked. I quickly radio Truck 81 and Squad 3, "Attention Truck 81, Ambulance 79, and Squad 3. Reroute to the apartments two blocks from crash sight. We have a male victim hanging off a fire escape. Their is a woman standing out on the sidewalk. African American, 5'6", wearing a cheetah print coat."
I pull my jacket and radio off and pull my turnout gear and helmet on as Casey replies, "On our way."
I turn and kick the door in. I run over to the fire escape and look out. A man is hanging off the side barely gripping the edge. I pull my gloves on and pull the webbing and D-ring out that I keep in my pants.
I hook the D-ring to my coat and tie the webbing around a pillar in the room I'm in. I step out on to the fire escape and it shakes.
"Ahh, what the hell are you doing lady?!" The man shouts as the fire escape shakes again as I get down on my knees.
"Saving your ass. Now on the count of three pull yourself up... 1... 2... 3!"
I grab the mans shirt and pull. I almost have him up when Truck, Squad, and Ambo pull up.
The man loses his grip and starts to slip. I grab his hand and hold on. I can't pull him up anymore, so I hold him where he's at.
"Stay put, Dawson. We are on our way up." Casey says over the radio.
A few minutes later Casey leans out the window and I say, "Pull my webbing tight so I can get this guy lifted up."
He nods and goes back in. A few seconds later I feel the webbing go taunt. I pull the guy the rest the way up.
We slowly stand up then I send him in through the window. I start to move towards the window when the escape gives way and slams down to the ground. I start to fall when I stop myself grabbing the webbing taunt and putting my feet to the wall.
I pull myself up the wall and get to the window. Otis and Cruz grab my hands and pull me through the window.
I unhook the D-ring from my belt and untie the webbing. I roll it up and Casey walks over to me.
He pats my back and is about to say something when I ask, "Permission to leave the seen, Lieutenant? We have the emergency handled."
Casey looks at me and says, "Granted, but Gabby know that no matter what. We have your back."
I nod as I put the webbing in my pocket. I quickly lift my helmet off and give him a kiss. I pull back and put my helmet back on. I grab my radio and jacket and head down the stairs. I switch my gear out and start walking towards the house again.
I get there just as Chief Jones pulls up and him, Smith, and the rest of my company get out.
I keep walking with a nod of my head, and head towards my bunk.
I pull my gear off and set down on my bed when I get there. I pull my phone out and look at the screen for ten minutes before Smith walks over and says, "Chief said to go home and rest. Just be back for next shift."
I nod as he walks off. I get up and grab my gear. I take it out to my car then head back in.
Everyone had left except for Chief Jones and Squad wasn't back yet. I walk to my bunk and get my stuff out. I head to my locker and empty it. I switch clothes out and grab my bag.
As I walk to my car with my stuff my phone rings. I look at it to see Antonio's name on the screen. I answer it and Antonio says, "Hey Gabby, that guy we arrested is going to prison for life. He had multiple outstanding warrants and one for attempted murder."
I reply, "Wow, hey, Antonio, can I call you back later? I'm kind of busy right now."
"Yeah, call me in a little while we need to go out and grab a beer. It's been a while since we did that. Bye little sis." He says.
I laugh and say, "Bye."
Then hang up. I open my car trunk and put my stuff in. I get in and pull off. I head to Fire House 51. When I pull up and get out Jones is on the phone arguing with someone.
I grab my gear and stuff out of my trunk and head inside. I walk into the commons and drop my stuff.
"Firefighter Gabriela Dawson reporting for duty." I say as I set my stuff down.
Herman jumps up and says, "Your back, finally."
"How are you back on truck?!" Otis says as he shakes his head.
I laugh and say, "Chief Jones pulled some strings."
Cruz walks over to me and hands me a spatula. Then says, "Your cooking dinner."
"I'm not here to work. I'm here to drill your candidate until she drops. Does anyone want to help me with my stuff?" I say.
I feel hands on my waist and Matt kisses me on the neck. I turn around and say, "You are at work, so follow the rules while I'm here. Now help me with this stuff."
I hand Casey the box of my things and we head back towards the lockers. I walk to where my name tag is still on my old locker and open it up.
Casey sets the box down and I start putting my stuff in to my locker.
"So, what are you going to do here if your not going to work or break rules with me?" Casey asks.
I smile and say, "Like I said, I'm here to drill your candidate until she drops. Though, I didn't say anything about... me... breaking the rules. I said. You. Can't."
I wrap my arms around Casey's waist and say, "To clarify. You have to wait till I break the rules for you to break them, and this is me breaking them..."
I pull Matt into a kiss and he pulls me closer. I put my hands inside his jacket and he runs his hands down to my hips. When I start to pull his shirt up and run my hands underneath his shirt. I hear someone say, "Lieutenant, not to tell you what to do, but if your going to have your fiancé here you might want to go to your office." Jones says as she walks to her locker.
I pull back and say, "Jones, I'm here to see you not Casey. Now get your ass outside and let's start with sledge hammers."
I watch as she shakes her head and walks out. I quickly kiss Casey, and head outside to where Jones is swinging a sledge hammer at a tire laying on the ground.
"Stop. This isn't going to help you. Most locks are on average waist high. Put the tire up against the wall and swing. With your swing start off wide and finish out close together. Use your upper body to do this, not lower." I say as I walk up to her, "After your done there is going to be a hose guider set up for you. Then after that your going to do a body drag."
"Is this because I called you and the Lieutenant out?" She asks as she hits the tire.
I shake my head and say, "No, but if you want it to be I can add running, push-ups, stair climb, agility test, you name it I'll add it if you keep talking. Now, get to work."
I turn to walk away when Jones asks, "How will I know when I'm ready to move to the next thing?"
"When I tell you your done that's when." I say as I turn and walk towards the storage room.
Herman walks up to me as I start grabbing hoses and says, "I'll help you set this up."
Herman grabs a hose and we carry the three hoses out to the parking lot. We hook them up and Herman asks, "Hey, Dawson, are you all right?"
"Yeah, a little light headed but the doc said that's expected." I say as I finish hooking the last hose up.
"Are you sure? Look at your side. You must be sweating a lot." He says as he puts the hose he's holding down and we walk inside. As we step through the door I put my hand to my side and feel that it's wet. When I look down at my hand it's red with blood.
I pull my shirt up and see that half of the stitches on my side have popped open and started to bleed. I put my shirt down and walk over to where Shay and Mills are sitting at a table talking.
"Not to interrupt but I need you and Mills to help me." I say.
Shay looks at me and says, "Jones is not dragging me across the apparatus floor."
I shake my head and raise my shirt.
"No, more like fixing these popped stitches. I'm starting to lose blood, and getting light headed already. I just noticed." I say as my vision starts to slightly blur and black spots appear in front of me.
Mills runs out and comes back with a jump bag. I sit down and pull my shirt up. Shay pulls the broken stitches out as Casey walks in and asks, "What happened?"
"Her stitches popped while she was outside. She noticed it when she came in." Shay says as Mills hands her a needle and thread.
Matt pulls a chair over and takes my hand. Then, I pass out...

Matthew Casey's POV

I take Gabby's hand and she passes out. Mills sees the look on my face and tells me, "She's fine, she just passed out from exhaustion, blood loss, and pain. She will wake up soon. We are going to have to take her to Chicago Med, though."
I nod as Mills takes her pulse.
"Shit, Shay she's lost too much blood. Get her on the ground she's going into V-tack."
Shay and Mills pull her on to the floor and Shay starts CPR. Mills runs out and comes back in with an AET heart monitor. They quickly hook her up and shock her. They get a rhythm back and load her on to the stretcher. I follow them out and get in the ambulance with them...

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