Chapter 14: Back From the Dead

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I wake up from the dream I had been having and roll over. I pull Gabby close and put my face in her neck. She gives a soft moan and rolls over to face me. I'm about to say good morning when she pulls me into a kiss that's slow and sweet then grows deeper and deeper.
I push her down so I'm on top of her. Then, I reach around her with my hands and quickly undo her bra while still kissing her. I slide my hand down her side and reach her hip when I hear someone ring the doorbell.
I give her a quick kiss as I pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. When I get to the door and open it Hally stands in front of me. She immediately starts talking, and says, "Hey Casey, listen I know that I got you in trouble with your ex a couple of months ago, so I want to make it up to you. If you want to see what it is take off my coat."
I reply, "No thanks, Hally. First of all we are back together, and second I will never date you again not after that little stunt you pulled. Now if you would excuse me I want to get back to what I was doing."
"You mean who you were doing." She says right before I slam the door in her face. I lock it and head back to the bedroom where I find Gabby laying in bed.
I pull my shirt off and walk over to Gabby. She stands up and unbuttons my pants. I quickly finish undressing and push Gabby gently down on the bed.
I burry my face in her neck as I just lay there. She can tell something's wrong and asks, "Who was at the door?"
"Hally. She had the nerve to come back here after what she did." I tell her.
She pulls me in to a tight hug that makes me want her even more. I kiss her lips, then her neck, her chest, her stomach, and then she stops me. She looks down at me and says, "Even though I want you more than anything right now, Matt, I can't let you do this. You are hurting and I don't want that. I will talk to Hally the next time I see her and make sure she leaves you alone. Got it, Baby?"
I nod as I lay down on my back and stare up at the ceiling. She puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her.
I hear a beep and she reaches over to the bedside table and reads a text.
"We need to get dressed. Antonio is on his way over so he can take me to the clinic, and before you say a word about it you need to go to work. I will stop by the House after we leave." She tells me.
I nod and pull on my boxers as she puts her bra back on. I pull my jeans and t-shirt back on and a brown leather jacket on over that.
I watch Gabby as she walks over to the closet and pulls her bag out. She pulls a red v-necked t-shirt, a brown leather jacket, and a pair of blue jeans out. I walk to the front door and give Gabby a kiss before I walk out the front door to my truck. I pull off just as I see Antonio coming down the road.

Gabriela Dawson's POV

I watch as Casey drives off to the station and Antonio pulls up. I grab my work bag and get into Antonio's car.
When we get to the clinic it is empty except for the people working at the front desk.
"Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Maria Montez, so I can get cleared to work." I tell the woman and she asks, "Have you filled the paper work out yet?"
I reply, "Yes, I was in yesterday, and got all that done."
She's about to say something when Dr. Maria comes out and waves me in.
I sit in the room for a few minutes before she comes in holding an envelope marked 'X-Ray's. Do not bend.' She does all the normal stuff like blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration rate then she pulls out the ex rays we had taken the day before.
"Ok well from the looks of everything you can go back to work today. If you aren't in any pain I'm going to go a head and print those release papers off." She tells me. I nod as she walks out of the room.
A few minutes later she walks back in with the papers I need. She signs then and I say, "Thanks."
She nods and I walk out to the waiting room where Antonio is waiting on me. He raises his eyebrows at me and I nod. He walks over to me and wraps me up in a bear hug.
"Can't... breath!" I gasp out.
He lets me go and says, "Oh, sorry. Come on let's go."
We walk down to his car and he asks, "Where do you want me to take you?"
"Fire House 51. If I'm cleared for work I'm going to work. Let's go." I reply.
He nods and takes me to the fire house. We get there just as I hear sirens going off in the distance. They fade off in the distance as Antonio parks his car in the parking lot.
"Thanks, Antonio. I'll see you later." I say as I get out of the car.
He smiles and says, "Anything for my little sis. See you later."
I shut the door, and watch as Antonio drives off, waving as he goes by. Since the bay doors are open I go through them, and into the commons. I go to the lockers and change out in to my uniform. Then I head to the kitchen where I see Mills has set out stuff for their breakfast.
I start cooking and turn the TV on to the news where they are showing the fire that 51s is at now. It's a restaurant fire, and they are showing Truck 81 venting the roof. I watch as Casey and Herman start to pull the rook back when Casey falls through the vent.
I drop the spatial in my hand, and turn the stove off. I jog out to the House radio and turn it to their channel.
"Casey! Casey report!" I hear Bowdan yell in to the radio.
Then Herman calls, "Cruz, get the ladder over here. Severide we need you up here. He's fine, but he's stuck in a storage room. We need to pull him out."
"On our way, Herman, hold on." Severide says.
"Okay, pull me up." I hear Casey say after a few minutes.
"Otis, Mouch, get attack lines on that building after Squad gets primary search complete." Casey says.
I sigh and switch the radio back to the 911 channel. I walk back over to the stove, and turn it back on. I pick up the dirty spatial, put it in the sink, and get a new clean one out of the dishwasher.
I finish cooking an hour later and just in time for the guys to pull in. I head back to the bunks where I get my phone out of my bed and head for the bathrooms.
I text Casey 'Your welcome' then wait for him to read it as I hear the guys coming in. I walk out to the commons a few minutes later, and they all stop as they smell breakfast already done.
Herman grabs a plate and says, "Welcome back candidate."
Before filling it up. Everyone does the same. When it comes the Chief's turns to get his food I hand him the release papers and say, "I'm cleared to work, Chief."

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