Chapter 57: Moving On

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Matthew Casey's POV

"This is the Chicago Fire Department! Call out!" I call out as I make my way up the stairs.
"FIREFIGHTER DOWN! FIREFIGHTER DOWN!" I hear Capp call over the radio.
"Capp, where are you?" I call in to my radio.
"Second floor. Hurry, Casey." Capp calls.
I reach the second floor and see Capp just a few feet away from me dragging two firefighters. He was with Dawson and Severide. I reach him and grab one of them. I pull the firefighters arm over my shoulders and see I am carrying Severide.
Capp pulls Dawson's arm over his shoulders. We make our way down stairs and out of the building. As soon as we get out I lay Severide down. I pull his mask off of him and he is staring up at me.
"God, I'm fine. Worry about Dawson. She pushed me out of the way. I was just dazed." Severide says standing up and pushing past me to his firefighter.
"Come on, Dawson. Wake up." Severide says as he kneels down next to where Shay and Mills are trying to get her to wake up.
I don't move towards her. I just stand back and watch.
"Dammit, Dawson! Wake the hell up! Shit, she's starting to crash!" Mills says as he rips her gear jacket open and starts compressions.
"Shocking... clear." Shay says.
Everyone pulls back and Shay shocks her.
Dawson snaps forward and looks around. Her eyes land on Severide and she asks, "Are you alright, Lieutenant?"
"I'm fine, Dawson. What about you?" Severide asks as Dawson stands up.
"I'm fine. Why?" She asks as she fastens her jacket back up and picks up her helmet.
"Dawson you crashed." Shay says standing up.
"I did? I'm fine. Let's put the fire out." She says.
We all look around and Boden looks at Shay.
"If she's alright she can start working." Shay tells him. He nods and says, "Let's get to it then."
We nod and start fighting the fire again...

Back at the house

"You sure you're alright, Dawson?" Herman asks.
"I'm fine, Herman." Dawson says as she pulls her gear off.
I wanted to talk to her, and make sure she was okay, but she had barely talked to me since she had gave me the ring back. I walk over to where she's kneeling lacing up her boots.
I clear my throat and say, "Dawson."
She doesn't turn around she just starts lacing up her other boot and says, "Yes, Lieutenant?"
"Are you alright?" I ask.
"Yes, Lieutenant. If you will excuse me I need to go inside and start helping Mills cook." She says standing up.
I nod my head and say, "Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were alright, Gabby."
She nods and walks inside. As soon as the door shuts Severide says, "I'm sorry, Casey, but she isn't going to be talking to you much. You've been trying to get her to talk to you for a year now. I think maybe you should go out, maybe go on a date."
"Ah, hell, I can't just stop loving her, Kelly. She's not even trying anymore, and is still driving me crazy." I say sitting down beside Severide.
"Damn you got it bad." Capp says.
"Yeah, and I had a shot at it a year ago and blew it. I don't think she even cares about me anymore." I say running my hands through her hair.
"I don't know, but damn you just need to get laid." Severide tells me slapping my back.
"I'm good." I say standing up.
"Keep telling yourself that, Matt." Severide calls after me as I walk inside.
I laugh and shake my head as I walk inside. I am about to sit down when Chief Boden comes in with a dark headed woman with green eyes. She was wearing a Truck uniform and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.
"Everyone this is the new Truck Candidate, Whitley Reynolds." Boden says.
"Hi, I'm Truck lieutenant, Matthew Casey." I say shaking her hand.
"Uh... pleasure." She says.
"Well, welcome to Firehouse 51. Those over there cooking are Peter Mills paramedic on 61, Gabriela Dawson former firefighter on truck and now a firefighter on Squad 3. This is Christopher Herman, Truck driver is Joe Cruz, on elevators is Brian Schelvochski a.k.a. Otis, and Randi McCullen a.k.a. Mouch." I say pointing to each firefighter.
Each shakes her hand with the exception of Mills and Dawson who are making pork chops for us.
"It's a pleasure to meat all of you. Especially the famous Gabriela Dawson. One of our lessons we went over you. Your amazing." Whitley says gazing at Dawson.
"Yeah, whatever. Hey, Mills, can you hand me the creme of mushroom soup?" Dawson asks Mills.
"Yep. Here." Mills says handing it to her.
She pours it over the pork chops, puts tin foil over it, and puts it in the oven. She washes her hands, and taps Mills on the shoulder. He smiles and nods. She walks out as everyone sits down.
"So do I get to meet Squad, or do we not associate with them or something? Dawson didn't seam like she liked you guys too much." Whitley says as she sits down beside Otis.
"Oh she loves us. She just hates our lieutenant." Cruz says earning a glare from me meaning shut-the-fuck-up-Cruz.
"Why is that?" Whitley asks tilting her head to the side.
"Personal matters." I say standing up and then adding, "Come on. I'll introduce you to Squad, come on."
Whitley follows me out as Mills slips out the door and walks off, disappearing.
We walk over to the Squad Table and I say, "This is Whitley Reynolds. She is the new candidate on Truck 81."
"Nice to meet you. I'm the Squad 3 lieutenant, Kelly Severide. This is Capp, Jeff Kyle, Sawyer James, Leslie Shay a paramedic on 61, and Gabriela Dawson is around here somewhere." Severide says.
"I'm right here." Dawson says as she comes around the corner tucking her shirt in.
"Hey where's Mills at? We need to do inventory on ambo." Shay says standing up.
"He went inside." Dawson says as she sits down.
"Thanks, babe. I'll see you later." Shay says hugging Dawson around the shoulders and walking off.
"Wait... is she your girlfriend?" Whitley asks Dawson as she takes a sip of her coffee.
Dawson spits it back out in a cup coughing, and I move so I'm patting her back.
"No. She's my fiancé. Our weddings in a week." Severide says as Gabby wipes her mouth and I move back to where I was standing.
"I'm straight, and in a relationship. With a guy." Gabby says.
'What the hell?! In a relationship?! I have to go talk to Shay.'
"Come on. Let's go, Reynolds." I say.
She nods and we walk back inside.
As Reynolds sits down Shay and Mills walk out to the ambo. I follow them out, and walk to the ambo with them.
"What is it, Casey?" Shay asks as she opens the back doors of ambo and hops in with Mills.
"Whose Dawson dating?" I ask.
"What?! I didn't even know she had been in a relationship after you." Shay says.
Mills was being strangely quiet. Then, I put two and two together. They had both went outside and inside at the same time, Dawson had told him to come out, and she's been tucking her pants in when she'd came back to the Squad table.
"Mills, you got any idea?" I ask.
"Uh... er... no. No idea at all." He says his voicing going higher a little bit.
"You're lying. Who is she dating?" Shay asks.
"I'll be right back." Mills says pushing past Shay and I.
After a few minutes he comes back with Gabby.
"You going to answer, Mills?" I ask.
"I'm dating Mills. You two need to stop snooping. Besides, I can be happy. Now, stop questioning my boyfriend so I can get back to the Squad Table. I'll see you later, babe. Love you." Gabby says then kisses Mills.
She walks off as I fall back against the ambulance, and sink to my knees.
"Casey, get up. Come on." Shay says pulling me to my feet.
I pull away and walk to my office. I shut the door, and sit down in my chair at the desk...

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