Chapter 40: Vows

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Matthew Casey's POV

My phone rings and I see that it's Severide. I ignore it and wait for him to leave a voicemail.
"Casey, pick up the damn phone. I just got a call from a friend at Chicago Med. They brought Gabby in with a pulse. She's awake... kind of, and asking for you. We are on our way there, but just to warn you they don't know if she's going to make it through the night. She's in surgery now. So call me, and get your ass down here." Severide says as I slam to a stop.
I immediately turn around and turn my flashers on. I get to Chicago Med fifteen minutes later.
When I get there everyone but Severide and Antonio, who had to go back to the station to give a report, are sitting in the waiting room.
I am about to ask where Severide is when he walks by holding Gabby's hand as they wheel her toward an elevator.
I go after them and take Gabby's other hand. She looks up at me and squeezes my hand. I hold on tight as we get on the elevator.
We head up to ICU and to her room...

Gabriela Dawson's POV

I stare at the room around me as Casey walks out of the bathroom. He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the bed.
I take his hand as he says, "Gabby, I'm sorry. Our wedding was ruined and I know this isn't the wedding night that either of us had planned..."
"It's alright. We are both alive and together, and this isn't the first time that I've toyed with death. We both know that." I say as he looks out the window.
He nods and walks over to the couch and starts to pull it out when I stop him by saying, "You know your going to end up sleeping over here whether you like it or not. I can't sleep without you."
He smiles a little and walks over to me. I move over and Matt gets in bed. He no longer wears his tuxedo. He wears a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt.
I roll over so that I'm facing away from him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I quickly fall asleep letting his breathing lull me into an easy sleep.
I wake up to the nurse bringing in my food and medicine. I quickly take my pills and start to eat when I realize Matt's gone.
I start to look around when Shay walks out of the bathroom.
"Matt went to get you some actual food said he'd bring something from home. Nothing big. He should be back soon. He just called and said he was on his way back. How are you feeling?"
"Like I was shot, Shay." I reply.
She laughs and tells me, "Yeah, well you do realize that your not married yet? Station is out of service for a few days. They want to clean up the blood stain, fix the dent in one of the trucks that your brother punched, and let all of us recoup."
I nod and then Matt walks in. He smiles and hands me a covered plate. I lift the tin foil to find bacon and eggs. I start to eat when I hear a radio go off. It's quickly silenced,and Herman, Sindy, and Antonio walk in.
"I guess that surprise was ruined." Antonio says as he clips his radio back on his belt, "I'm actually working so I have to keep a radio on me, Gabby. So how you feeling?"
"Like I was shot. How many times am I going to be asked that question today?" I say to them.
Sindy smiles and says, "Sorry, so what are you going to do now? You two never officially married."
I look at Matt and say, "After I get out of here, we are going to get married. Then, I'm going to go back to work."
Matt smiles. He is about to say something when an emergency page for Truck 81, Squad 3, and ambo 61 to go to a high rise fire.
Matt quickly kisses me then he, Herman, and Antonio leave. Sindy sits down in the seat next to me and I relax back into my bed. I look over at Sindy and she smiles then says, "You are the strongest person I know, Gabriela, and I admire you for that, but have you thought about not going back and taking disability? I mean, I don't want to try and change your mind, but why go back?"
I reply with a serious voice and straight face, "It's not pride that keeps me going back, it's the feeling of saving a life. That's why I keep going back for, so I can save a life. Besides I'm only 28. I can do this... I will do this. The bullet completely missed all the bone. I will make it through this..."

Matthew Casey's POV

We pull into the station and jump out of the truck. I hang my gear up when the Chief walks over to us.
"Everyone, may I have your attention. In light of recent events we have taken Station 51 out of service for a couple shifts. Now, I see that the thing that we need to do, is band together. Not bear this weight alone.
We did not lose one of our own, yesterday, but we almost did. Gabriela Dawson has been a member of this department for over seven years. She will be back on this department after she recovers from her injuries.
We will be short handed on truck, but we are going to be putting the station back into service, effective immediately." He tells us. Then, adds, "Go get the things you need from home, and meet back here, as soon as possible. This shift will start a few hours late, but we can start it, now."
"Chief, I was hoping to get back to Gabby. If I need to take a personal day..." I say trailing off.
Boden shakes his head and says, "I'm under strict orders, everyone is required to come in today."
"Chief Tiber told us all personally that we did not have to come in to work today, I'm not against it, but who's orders are you working under?" Herman asks.
Chief clears his throat and says, "Dawson. She said that there are no exceptions, everyone comes in and works this shift. I'm doing this because I know what she is doing.
You all are stronger when you are together. You have each other's backs, no matter what, and you take care of each other. That is what you need to do now. That's all."
I head to my truck and get in as Herman climbs in to the passenger seat. I head to Herman's place first and drop him off.
Then, I head to my place. I grab my work bag, and head to the hospital. When I get there Sindy is leaving with a look on her face that's shocked, yet thoughtful.
She stops me and asks, "Tell me Casey, why do you do a job that you could lose your life doing? Is it pride, nobility, or saving a person's life?"
I think about it for a minute before saying, "The feeling of saving someone's life; a stranger's, a loved one, or a friend's life. Why do you ask?"
"I just wanted to see if Gabriela's fiancé felt the same way she does. That's all, and you do." She says as she heads to her car.
I walk to Gabby's room and grab my bag I had left. I look over at Gabby, and she is asleep. I walk over to her and lean down to kiss her forehead when she reaches up, and grabs the front of my shirt.
She pulls my face down to hers, and kisses me. I put my hands on either side of her face, and I am careful to keep my weight off her. Gabby lets go and says, "Be careful, Matt."

Burning Flames (Chicago Fire Fan-fiction) - Under EditingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora