Chapter 24: Fire House 89

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I get to Casey's house and walk up to the door. I unlock it and walk inside. I walk back to Casey's bedroom and open my bag. I pull out the outfit Shay had bought for me and head to the bathroom. I lay my lingerie on the counter and step inside the shower. I hear the door open and close then I hear Casey in the bedroom ask, "Are you in the shower?"
I reply, "Yeah, hold on."
I quickly finish and get out. I dry off and pull on the lingerie Shay had gotten me. I look in the mirror and fix my hair. I smooth down the front of the black fabric. I normally didn't put much effort into how I looked for this. It's not like Matt would notice.
I walk out to where Casey is standing with his back to me looking at the bright screen of his phone. I wrap my arms around him and lean my head against his back.
I walk around in front of him and he pulls his shirt off. I barely give him time to get his shirt off when I pull him tightly into a kiss. Casey runs his hands down my sides and stops at my hips. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He lowers me down onto the bed and I let go of him when we both get an emergency alert on our phones. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I look at it and say, "Shit, I've got to go. I'm being called in for a high-rise. You?"
"Same." Casey calls over his shoulder.
I shut the bathroom door and pull on my clothes. As I pull on my boots Casey opens the door and asks, "You want to ride with me?"
I shake my head and say, "No. I've got to get to 89's. Be careful."
He gives me a kiss as I grab my work bag and head for my car. When I get to the station I grab my helmet and bunker gear out of my back seat. I run to the lockers, change in to my uniform, then pull on my turn out gear. I grab my radio out of my bag and run out to the truck.
I jump in as the other three get in.
"Candidate Gabriela Dawson. This is a nice way to meet isn't it." I say and shake the Lieutenant's hand.
"I'm Lieutenant George Brewer. This is my driver Daniel Smith, then from your right to left, John Green, Luis Macintosh, then on elevators we have Austin Davis. You can call him Otis if you want. But yeah this is one Hell of a way to meet. We all got called in on emergency. We just got off this morning." The Lieutenant says as we pull off.
I say, "Yeah, me too. We worked that high-rise this morning, so we were out an hour after shift ended."
"You worked 51's then right?" Brewer asksas we turn a corner.
"Yeah, I worked there for seven years out there. Six as a paramedic out there and one as candidate." I reply.
"So why'd you transfer?" David asks.
I reply, "I'm engaged to Matthew Casey, the truck Lieutenant out there."
"Wait a minute, you were that candidate that was in the building collapse a few months ago aren't you?" Macintosh asks.
I nod and say, "Yeah, I was. If any of you want to hear any stories about being injured. I'm the one to go to."
Everyone starts cracking up as we complete a controlled stop and I hear Casey on my radio say, "Herman, Cruz, Daw-, Otis with me. Let's go."
"Sorry. What channel are you on?" I ask.
Smith says, "Six. Looks like your old truck Lieutenant isn't used to not having you on search and rescue. That's good. It means you are good at it."
I smile as we pull up and our battalion chief pulls up.
"Dawson, shadow my every move. If I stop you better be running into my ass. Got it?" Brewer says. I give him a quick nod and he calls out, "Macintosh, Smith, Dawson, with me lets go."
I mask up and put my helmet on.
Casey comes over and says to Lieutenant Brewer, "Have your crew switch to channel one. The Chiefs want us going in together then splitting up as we hit different floors."
Brewer nods and says, "Hey Casey, you have a keeper."
Casey smiles and nods as we go in.
I follow Brewer's every move until I hear the rumble of a floor collapse above us. I radio to everyone, "If you are on the first floor southwest corner. Move! Floors about to cave."
Company 51 moves back towards the center and part of 89. Brewer doesn't move he just looks up and shakes his head right before a beam and rubble comes down on his chest. I had jumped at him a second late. I get to work moving the rubble and Company 51 starts helping as Macintosh radios a man down.
We get everything off of him and I say, "Keep moving. I'll get him out of here. Get the building cleared."
He nods and they keep moving. Macintosh helps me, and we drag Brewer out of the building where Mills and Shay are waiting.
I head back in with Macintosh and we quickly reach Casey.
"Macintosh, Smith, start getting attack lines going on the first floor. We got your candidate." Casey says.
They nod and head back down stairs. We keep moving and I find a woman under a desk. I pull her out from under the desk and pick her up. I carry her down to the second ambulance.
As I pass Brewer he says, "Start venting. I don't want anymore injuries."
I grab an axe out of the truck and move the apparatus up to the roof. Green brings a saw up and we vent the roof.
When we finish we head back down as Company 51 comes out.
Green and I climb down and Green starts the water cannon. I climb down off the truck and grab a hose. I run to the nearest fire hydrant, and hook the hose up. Mouch takes the hose and I turn the water on, and we start to spray the side we're at down...

Four hours later

I grab a water bottle and sit down on the side walk with the rest of House 89 and 51 as the first shift crews finish up. Casey walks over and says, "Hey, Dawson, good job. You made a good call with the floor collapse."
I nod and pull my helmet off as Casey turns around. I feel something wet hit the back of my neck. I turn around to get a face full of water. I wipe my face to see Green and Macintosh laughing their asses off. I shake my hair out and pick up my helmet. I pull it on as our battalion chief walks over and says, "Hey! I've told you two before if you don't watch it with the pranks you were going to get wrote up, and I'd think twice about pranking this candidate. Battalion Chief Boden says that you mess with her you might want to watch it. He said to ask truck 81's crew."
I smile as I see them look at each other and then turn around and start talking to each other. I hear Casey swear and then see him walking towards me.
"Here, Hally is calling me again. Can you talk to her?" Casey asks.
I nod and take his phone. I answer it and say, "Why are you calling again? We've already talked about this once. I told you I would bring the police in on it if you kept harassing Casey. You better fuck off, or else, Hally. If I find out you called again I won't hesitate to call my brother in the Intelligence unit. Goodbye."
Smith looks at me like I just had ripped him a new one and walks forward. He holds his hand out and I shake it.
I hand Casey his phone back, and get in the truck.
"Well, I feel like you ripped me a new one, Dawson. Who was that on the phone you were talking to?" Smith asks me.
I reply, "That was Casey's ex. She won't leave him alone, and I've ripped her a new one many a time, Smith. In person and over the phone, yet she has the nerve to-. Never mind. I feel like I'm in truck 81 sorry."
Macintosh says, "Keep on talking."
"Well, it was three maybe four months ago, before the Collapse. Hally had went in to Casey's office, shut the blinds, and got in his bed before dinner. After dinner Casey went to his office and when I went looking for him thirty minutes later I found them in his office. The lights were off and he had thought it was me. He slept with his ex while we were together. I cried for thirty minutes after that sitting out at the ambulance.
We made up, but it was a month and a half after the Collapse. One of my friends Leslie Shay, a paramedic over at station 51, peeled my ass off the floor a week after I had gotten out of the hospital. I was so drunk that I can barely remember that day. Then he apologized I took him back even before I had forgave him. Just so I could be happy. Now, I don't care what he did then, I love him." I finish. We pull up to the station and get out.
Battalion Chief Jones gets out and says, "If you were here for emergency go ahead and leave, but be back for your next shift."
I go to my locker and the guys from my shift are all next to me and I ask, "You guys don't mind if I change right, do you?"
They all look at each other and say, "No, as long as your fiancé doesn't mind."
I pull my shirt off and change into my red V-neck. I'm about to grab my bag when someone grabs my waist. I turn around and I am about to draw my fist back, but then see that it's Casey.
"Hostile much?"
I laugh and then wrap my arms around Casey's neck and kiss him.
"Casey hurry up will you. I don't care if that call interrupted you two or not we need to get the truck back to the station." Mouch says standing at the door.
"Come on, one last ride in 81?" Casey asks.
I'm about to reply when Chief Jones comes in.
"Oh, hey Chief. We were just leaving." I say as I grab my bag and shut my locker.
"Dawson, good job out there tonight. I think that Lieutenant Casey here would agree. Now, I've got an order for you. Take one last, Good, ride in Truck 81." Chief Jones tells me. I nod and walk out with Casey. I walk over to the Truck with Casey and get in the truck.
We ride to House 51 talking about the fire and the call I made. When we get to the station Shay walks over and gives me a hug. I don't go in for fear of dragging up old memories.
I wave goodbye and say, "I told you the next time I saw you guys I'd be saving your asses."
They laugh as I walk out with Casey to his truck. He drives me over to House 89 and drops me off. I kiss him and say, "I'll see you at home."
I walk over to my car and get in I get home and park. I get up and go inside. I walk back to Casey's bedroom. I hear Casey in the bathroom, but don't bother to tell him I'm back. I just pull my jeans and T-shirt off and lay down. I quickly fall asleep...

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