Chapter 2- Lunch

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It was time for lunch! Which was nice. During my second class I met Kanao! She is really nice! For some reason, that boy was staring at me again. Ah-! I forgot to talk to him. It's fine, it's not a big deal. 

Today I'm sitting with Kanao, Inosuke and Zenitsu for lunch. That boy is sitting at the next table over, alone. He keeps looking at me, but at least he's not staring? Maybe I'll talk to him later, but right now, I have some lunch that needs finishing. 😋 

It's break now so maybe I should talk to him? I wonder where he went. Maybe I should check the library? He seems like someone who would hangout there. 

I was right! He is in the library! Oh... He's alone. Maybe he needs a friend! I should talk to him!


Im done with lunch so maybe I should go to the library? I can't think of anything better to do. Maybe I could go on the computers and research that guy.... Nah I'm not that weird. Am I?

There he is! In the school files. His name is tanjiro kamado, he has 5 siblings, one of which goes to this school. Sadly it doesn't say friends or address. 🙃 

I saw him eating with that Kanao girl... And those other 2 morons. I wonder if I'll need to do something about them. Maybe not the yellow haired one as he is obbsessed with Tanjiros sister. But then again... It might be better to be safe then sorry. 

Oh! Tanjiro just came into the library. Luckily I've moved somewhere away from any proof of what I was doing. I was incognito, closed the tab and deleted the history. I also now know his accounts on social media. Maybe I could look at those later?

Crap! I think he's coming to talk to me. Hopefully I don't give myself away.

"Hi!" He says. God, his voice is adorable. "Hi." I murmur. Ill try to seem uninterested or something like that so he leaves me alone. "My name's Tanjiro! What's yours?" He asks. I'm surprised he's actually talking to me. "Muichiro." I say. 

Hopefully this goes well and I can get to know his and grow closer to him. "What class do you have next?" He asked. I thought for a second, I think it was biology. "Biology I think." I said quietly. "Same! I'll see you then. Maybe we can work together?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said, trying to hide how excited I was.

Now, I can't wait for biology. I hope he remembers. Maybe this time around, I won't have to worry about anyone. Maybe I become his friend and things can become more serious. Maybe Kanao and anyone else who dares to talk to him doesn't have to worry. But as I said, better to be safe then sorry.


Ok, so it seems Muichiros just lonely, so I invited him to hangout at biology. Maybe we can even become friends. After I left, I went to go talk to my friends. For some reason, Kanao also seemed to have a bit of a staring problem. What is with people and staring these days? 

Anyways, it's nearly time for biology. I should go get my stuff from my locker. As I walk down the hallway, I see muichiro. He's staring, again. But this time I think he's zoned out. " Still want to work together in biology?" I ask. "Y-yeah!" He stammered, a bit surprised form being snapped out of staring at me and the wall. "If you want too..." He added. "Yeah of course!" 

"Wanna walk with me there?" I offered. Maybe I could talk to him and find out what he likes. "Sure." He said. "Just give me a moment to get my things." I said. As I turned to my locker, I saw Muichiros pale face had a red tint. Maybe he was just hot? "Ok! Let's go!" I said. 

WORD COUNT: 663 words

Sorry for a short chapter! And the last one being short. I hope you like it so far! Have a nice day/night/morning/afternoon/3am!

Silent Hallways| Muichiro X tanjiro| Yandere Muichiro| School AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ