Chapter 12- sleepover

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When I woke up, tanjiro has left. So I texted him.

Muichiro: you should come back overrr

Tanjiro: fineeee

Muichiro: you should have a sleepoverrrr

Tanjiro: maybeeeee

Muichiro: pleaseeeeee

Tanjiro: okayyyyyy

I smiled! This was progress ig! Soon I can have him all to myself ❤️ I'm so excited for when I finally have him~ I can't wait for him to arrive. While I wait maybe I should clean up a bit.

I'm in the middle of doing some laundry when he knocks on the door. I run over, excited. "I gather you're feeling better." He says, smiling slightly. "Yeah!" I say, beaming up at him. He blushes a bit, making me blush and smile more. 

2 hours later

It's already been 2 hours but it's felt like 2 minutes! We decide to make the beds, mine and the spare one. His futon is level with mine. We put on pyjamas and sit on our beds to chat.


Omg Muichiro looks adorable right now. Smiling and laughing in his pyjamas while sitting on his futon. I feel my cheeks go pink. He looks over "we should go to sleep soon." He says, I nod in agreement. 

A little while later, the lights are out. I think Muichiros already asleep, but I can't fall asleep. I think about how cute his is and how lovely his hair is, his face, how his body must be- Oh god, at least Muichiro can't see me right now. But I shouldn't be thinking these things! I must be tomato red.

I hear Muichiro start to quietly snore. It's really cute. I turn to look at his back, my eyes adjusted in the dark. I didn't notice, but he had turned over. His face, adorable and perfect. He looked angelic in his sleep. I smiled, thinking about how much I loved him. 


Ok, I can't tell if I think it's weird or creepy that tanjiro is staring at me with that look on his face, when I'm "asleep." I'm pretty good at fake sleeping so I wanted to see what would happen. I decided to "wake up" and slowly fluttered my eyes open. 

Tanjiro looked surprised I had "woken up." "Oh sorry did I wake you up?" He asked. "No not at all." I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, how much I needed him in my life. I reached out a hand, and put on a lamp. 

"Tanjiro. I have something to tell you."

"What is it Muichiro?" 

"I-i love you."

"Oh Muichiro, I love you too." 

Word count: 418

I'm sick again. 🥲 Turns out eating a lot of sorbet is not enjoyable the next day. So yeah. And I had to leave you one a cliff hanger ofc! :D

Silent Hallways| Muichiro X tanjiro| Yandere Muichiro| School AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ