Chapter 4- Friends

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Tommorow everyone had the day off, because of a public holiday, so I decided to see if my friends wanted to go out. I asked Nezuko, Kanao, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Muichiro. Everyone replied almost straight away. They all where interested. Tanjiro suggested going on a nature walk at a nearby park. Everyone liked the idea. They where a bit curious about who Muichiro was. I told them he was my new friend. I hope everyone gets along.

Without realising, it was late. Time had run fast. I put my phone of the bedside table and turned out the lights. 

When I woke up, I hurried downstairs, eager to see my friends. I ate breakfast, which was toast with butter. I packed a bag with snacks for the picnic we where going to have at the end of the trail. I also put in a water bottle and container to put any trash I find in. "Tanjiro, let's go!" Nezuko called from the door. "Ok, just a second!" I said while trying to put my shoes on and brush my teeth at the same time. 

We met the others at the start of the track. It seemed like everyone was getting along with Muichiro fine. We started the walk. Zenitsu bought a camera and got some good photos of the birds, plants and the others. He didn't however get a photo of the bug Inosuke shoved in his face. 

We where nearly at the top when Kanao said she needed to stop. "Let's not stop, we are nearly at the top and no one else is tired." Genya grumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Ok we can stop for a second!" Nezuko said. "I need some water." Said Muichiro. He set his bag on the ground and grabbed out his water bottle. Inosuke then grabbed it and splashed half in his face. 

"INOSUKE!!!" I yelled, shocked at his rudeness. But too my surprise Muichiro just smiled. He snickered. He burst out laughing. Im not sure what he finds so funny. He grabbed his water bottle and drank the rest. Everyone else was preoccupied, so I think I was the only one to see the death glare he shot Inosuke. 


That 'Inosuke' kid, he's dead. Worse. Well, maybe I shouldn't to worked up. But he doesn't have many chances left. The world would be better without him anyway. He's rude and doesn't care what others think. No, if I killed him, everything would go out of my hands. Best thing to do is laugh it off. When we finally set off, I had managed to dry myself off a bit.

When we finally reached the top, Nezuko set out a picnic blanket. We all pulled out our food. I decided to bring sandwiches. There where chips, candies, crackers and lots of other things that looked good. I decided to start with some crackers. They needed something to dip them in, but we didn't have anything. 

When we all had finished eating, Tanjiro put the trash into a container. It was cute how he did things like that. It was one of the reasons I loved him. Something annoying was that Kanao kept talking to him and hogging him. It was annoying. Tanjiro seemed to like her, but I didn't. 

We started down the trail after we had packed up. Today was very tiring. Once I got home, I flopped onto my bed and thought about never moving again. But then again, I had new things and photos to add to my journal. I even had a tiny piece of his hair from after it snagged on a branch. When I was done, I put it back on my drawers and hopped back onto my bed to look on my phone at Tanjiros social medias.

Today was a successful day. But then I remembered something left I had to do. A girl definitely had a crush on tanjiro. I always caught her staring at him and I even snuck a look at her diary over her shoulder. She definitely has a crush. I don't want her getting in the way soooo.... 

I know her address but I don't need to worry. I was her walk into an alley from they way home from whatever she was doing. I followed her. I ran right behind her, no emotion. I stabbed her once, twice, three times. She didn't even have time to scream. I knew exactly where to hide her. The dumpster at the end of the alley. I pulled her over and tossed her in.  

This Is what I would do for you tanjiro. God, I love him so much. 💕

Word count: 825  words

WOW! A slightly longer chapter! How surprising! This was fun to write. Now who do I think will end up dying first out of Inosuke and Kanao. Also added in a murder at the end of a chapter, cuz this felt like it was getting boring. :]

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