Chapter 6- Bye bye Kanao

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It's been so fun hanging out with Kanao today! Today we found out that one of the students had gone missing. I said hello to her once and it's sad that she's gone missing but sadly I can't do much about it. I'm sure she'll turn up anyway. 

Today after school, Kanao and me went to an ice cream parlour and then to a park. It was really fun! She's a great friend. I think she has a crush on me, but I'm not sure about how I feel. Muichiro texted me, and seemed kinda pissed after I said I was with her. Maybes he having a bad day. I'll be sure to text him later. 

When we where finished, she walked me home and we chatted for a bit on the door stop. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I though I saw Muichiro. But I don't think I did. Kanao must have noticed and asked me if I was ok. "Yeah just thought I saw someone." I said. 

She waved and said bye and started down the road. Today was great!


Kanao is dying today. I knew that the moment Tanjiro told me that they where hanging out. I followed them and once she left I followed her, untill we where on a dark street that no-one went on. I put my hand in my pocket, feeling for the knife. I gripped it as I walked over to her. 

"Oh hi Muichiro!" She said, turning. I said nothing. "Muichiro? What are you doing?" She said as I walked towards her, knife in hand. "Muichiro?!" I gripped her collar and smiled. "Bye Kanao." I said quietly. "W-wait, why are you doing this? Please!" I put it too her throat. "It's your fault you like tanjiro. Not mine." I said. She tried to struggle, but she ended up digging the knife into her neck. 

"But why? I still don't understan-!" I slid the knife across her throat. It was like a smiling mouth. I pulled her up before she fell over. I pretended like I was helping her walk, towards an alley. Once we where in, I looked around. I needed to get out before anyone noticed. I slumped her down, like she was just resting and took off my hoodie, which now needed a wash as it was covered in blood. 

One step closer to getting my precious Tanjiro.

Today was great~

Author: HIIIII Sorry this is my first time writing in ages. I'm no longer sick, so I have been going to school. Thanks for waiting 💕

Word count: 432 words!

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