Chapter 16- Moving

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I was at home, excitedly packing my stuff, after my parents let me move in with Muichiro. "I'm gonna miss you." Nezuko said, as she walked in. "Yeah, but I will visit and you can visit me." I said, turning to her. "I knowwwwww but still... Anyway, do you need any help?" I thought for a second. "Can you help me put those into a box?" I said, pointing to a pile of clothes. "Ewww! They smell like teenage boy!" She said, holding up and shirt and holding it away from her. "Yes, I am, unbelievably, a teenage boy." I said, sighing, as she tossed it into a box. "I have an idea." She said. "Hmm?" I said. She walked over to the pile, picked up most of it and dropped it in the box. "That smelled disgusting and im never doing that again." She said, stuffing it in with a grossed out look on her face. "Ok have fun!!" She said, jumping up and running out of my room. "Don't leave meeee." I said.

My phone dinged. I picked it up and looked at the text. 

Muichiro: Need any help?

Tanjiro: No, I'm good thanks for the offer :)

Muichiro: Ok.

I returned to packing. 

Finally, I had finished. I started loading my stuff into my dad's car. I hopped into the passenger seat. I looked at the house, as we pulled away. "I'll bring your bed frame and mattress later separately." My dad said. "Thanks!" I said. 

As we pulled up to Muichiros house, he ran up to the car. "Hiiii!" He said, and I opened the door of the car. "Hi!" I said. He grabbed a box and took it inside. "Follow me! I'll take you to your room!" He said. It was cute how happy he was, he kept smiling and burbling out sentences. "I used to use it as a storage room. I'm not done with cleaning out the closet! I'll finish soon though!" He said. "It's perfect!" I said, stepping into my new room. We set down our boxes and ran back to the car to get more. 

When we had finished, Muichiro turned to me. "I can't wait for Christmas." He said softly. I had forgot it was halfway through November already. "Same." I said, pulling him into a hug. "I'm so tired." He murmured. "Go have a nap then!" I said. "I have to help you with your bed." He said sleepily. "I can do it." I picked him up and carried him to his bed. 

I laid him down, pulled the covers over him. I kissed him on the forehead and turned out the lights and closed the door. "Love you." I said. "Love you too." He mumbled, half asleep.

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