Part 19- Christmas pt 1

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Ok before we start sorry I kinda died 😁👍


I woke up, not sure what time. Whatever it was, it was too early. I woke up from nezuko spam calling me. I called her back, she picked up immediately. "What time is the party 👹" she says. "What party?" I ask. "The one I've decided you are having. I've already invited everyone. We will be here at 3:00pm" She hangs up. I sigh and pull on what I consider clothes and what Muichiro considers adorable. I check the time. 5:00am. Good enough.

I walk into the kitchen and make myself a bowl of cereal. I'm not going to wake Muichiro up. He can sleep. I sit down on the couch and open a book, getting lost in the pages. 

Before I realise I've spent an hour and a half reading, Muichiro walks in, still in his pyjamas. He has a blanket wrapped around him as well. "Good morning!" I say, smiling at him. "I feel like shit" he replies. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "No. My phone is dead and I lost my charger." I laugh. "Ur mean." He says sadly. "Muichiro, I have your charger. You gave it to me." A moment of silence. "Oh." "I'll go get it" I say. "Oh, the others are coming over at 3:00pm." I say to him. He says something along the lines of ok or something like that. 

I pass him his charger. "It's your first Christmas present." I say to him. He glares at me. He continues eating his cereal. I hug him and he open the blanket, pulls me into his cocoon. Normally, I'd love this but he smells stinky right now. "Take a shower!" I say. "I will." He says dismissively. I kiss his forehead and go to put on something more presentable. 

When I come back, Muichiro has eaten his cornflakes and is now in his room changing. Like the amazing boyfriend I am, I interrupt. He screams and throws jeans at me. "GET OUTTTT." He says. "Just checking now my amazing hot boy friend is." I say. "I love you tanjiro, I really do, but right now I need to change. So go." He points to the door. "Okayyyy." I walk out and check a daily chore of my list: bother my amazing hot boyfriend. 


Tanjiro has now disturbed my daily sniff check and there will be war. I now have to start over again. 

Once I have found a decent outfit from the clothing pile tanjiro insists I sort, I brush my teeth. Tanjiro walks in, looks at me and says "I know you're just waiting for me to have my shower so you can flirt. You have already brushed your teeth. Go." He is right about both those things but he bothered my sniff check to see what was clean and this is how he pays. "No." I say. He blinks. "No? I'll have you know, I have an amazing boyfri- oh wait that's you." I turn. "Who's flirting now? I point at him. "Have a little holiday cheer!" He says. I tell him Santa can go fuck his ho ho hoes. 

I get a text from genya. I look at it.

Genya: Can wait to see you!

Muichiro: same here!

Genya: ❤️

Muichiro: 😄

It makes me uncomfortable he always uses the heart emoji. It's fine though. It doesn't bother me. Not that much.

Author note: okay maybe Genya will be a villain I have an idea ok back to the story

I sit on the couch. I'm bored and I don't know what to do. Oh yeah! We should probably decorate if the others are coming over. And clean. Definitely clean. God this is going to take ages.

Word count: 620 words

Hehe yaaaa

I'm back 😺😺😺

Silent Hallways| Muichiro X tanjiro| Yandere Muichiro| School AUWhere stories live. Discover now