Chapter 10- School pt2

494 14 7

TW: Vomitting 


I was running home, choking up, why was I so upset? Tanjiro was different. I loved him more then I've ever loved anyone else. It hurts so bad. Is this real heartbreak? 

I finally got home, and collapsed. I lay there for a minute, sobbing. Then I got up and put on the biggest of Tanjiros hoodies. He gave me this one not because it didn't fit him but because he thought it looked better on me. I sat on my bed. 

Suddenly my phone buzzed. 

Tanjiro: Hey muichiro are you ok? Where are you?

Tanjiro: I'm not dating that girl she just kissed me I promise

Tanjiro: you ok? I'm getting worried. 

Tanjiro: Muichiro? U ok?

Muichiro: I'm fine.

Tanjiro: are you ok?

To be honest, I'm not but I was starting to feel better.

Muichiro: a bit, I also feel a bit sick:(

Tanjiro: oh no! I'll come over after school. 

Tanjiro: are you sure your ok? Kanao also has passed. I understand if you aren't.

Muichiro: I'm fine, just don't feel good. 

Tanjiro: ok see you after school.

I smiled and my hear fluttered. I couldn't wait to see him. Suddenly my insides clenched. I felt so sick. I ran to the bathroom. I vomitted in the toilet. I kept vomitting, feeling so sick I wanted to cry again. Tears started dripping down my face as I kept vomitting. At this point, barely anything was coming out, my stomach entirely empty. I stopped, still feeling sick. 

After cleaning up, I sat on my bed. Tears kept coming out my eyes, I felt so sick. 

And suddenly I knew why. My breakfast must have had gluten in it. (Yes in this Muichiro has a gluten allergy. Possibly celiac disease.) I needed to eat but I just didn't feel like it. I blinked, my head feeling light. Wow, Im so tired. I fall back, tiredness overwhelming me. 

I'm so tired. 

Word count: 317

Yes this chapter is short but 2 chapters in one day sooo

Yea 👍

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