Chapter 9- School

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I love the new jerseys tanjiro gave me ❤️😁

They are so nice and they remind me of him. They smell like him too. I love how he smells. (That's weird mui.) It's a school day though so I can't wear them. :(

I was walking to school when Zenitsu ran up to me. "Hey Muichiro!" He said. Zenitsu isn't that bad. He is obsessed with Tanjiros sister though. I cant say much though~

"I have something to tell you." He said. "Yes? What?" I said curious. "Ok forgive me for being nosy, but you have a crush on tanjiro right?" I was shocked. I really wasn't that obvious was I? "Y-yeah..." I murmured. I saw Zenitsu light up. "Ok, so I think he might like you back!" 

I was shocked. There was no way! Maybe... No I can't get my hopes up. 

"No way." I said. Zenitsu just smiled. 

When we finally got to school, I saw tanjiro. My heart skipped a beat. And sunk. He was talking to someone. A girl. Oh she was dead. Deader then dead. 


When we got to school, after I told Muichiro about tanjiro, like me and Inosuke agreed to do.  Then we saw tanjiro with a girl. Oh no... This is bad. Me and inosuke thought our matchmaker would go well. 

I turned to Muichiro. "Hey muich-" I was shocked at the death glare he was giving that girl. He was gripping his uniform pants tightly. Then I saw something that shook me to the bones. They where kissing. Muichiro had tears welling in his eyes. Tanjiro turned and saw us. Muichiro ran towards the school building. 

Tanjiro yelled something at the girl. I was confused. What was going on? He walked over, looking pissed. "That girl decided it was ok to kiss me! Like no it's not!?" He said. "Wait, wheres Muichiro wasn't he just here?" He said. "He saw you two kiss and got upset and ran away." Tanjiros face went through many emotions. Confusion, hope, love, curious, then sadness. "Oh no. Oh no no no! This has gone all wrong!" He had tears in his eyes. "Don't tell anyone, but I think I love Muichiro, and now this has ruined every single chance!" He cried harder. "It's ok bud." I said, pulling over so he leaned into me. 


Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I'm so stupid! An idiot! I was dumb to believe that he would ever like me! Tears where pouring down my face as I sat in the cubicle. I hit the walls, not knowing what to do, overwhelmed by pain and sadness. All this for nothing! 

And then something in me snapped. Ive killed people for him. I killed his friend. For nothing. It ended without anything even happening! I'm a monster, but I can't help it. It's just who I am. 

My stomach hurts, my eyes hurt. My heart hurts. I want to go home. I'm going home. The bell wrung for class ages ago. 

Then an announcement blared. "Kanao tsuyuri has passed. A memorial will be held next weekend. I understand this will be painful for many of you so counselling will be available all day. We will not share why our of respect for her family. Thank you." 

They know. He knows. It's all over. That's it, I'm leaving. 

Word count: 576

More words then normal! I will try to write more!❤️

Silent Hallways| Muichiro X tanjiro| Yandere Muichiro| School AUWhere stories live. Discover now