18: Traces

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The atmosphere on the film set had shifted from one of excitement and anticipation to a sense of urgency and concern. The film crew mobilized, their anxious footsteps echoing through the corridors of the mansion as they searched for any trace of Aqua and Kana. Dio, usually composed and self-assured, now showed a rare glimpse of panic and frustration.

"Where are they?!" Dio's voice resonated with a mix of anger and fear. His hands clenched into tight fists as he paced back and forth, his eyes darting around the room as if seeking answers from the walls themselves. His usually calm demeanor shattered, revealing the intensity of his emotions.

Ai, though outwardly composed, felt a whirlwind of worry swirling within her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she fought to keep her anxiety at bay. She knew the weight of responsibility that rested on her shoulders, not just as a leading actress but also as a guardian to her beloved child, Aqua.

Her thoughts raced as she desperately tried to piece together what had happened. How could they have gone missing? Where could they be? The fear of the unknown gnawed at her, threatening to consume her composure.

Ruby, too, shared in the collective unease. Her concern for her brother was evident in the furrowed brow and trembling hands. She approached Ai, her voice quivering with worry.

"Where could Aqua and Kana be, Ai-san? We need to find them," Ruby implored, her voice laced with a mixture of fear and determination.

Ai placed a gentle hand on Ruby's shoulder, her voice strained but resolute. "We will find them, Ruby-chan. We won't rest until they're back with us, safe and sound."

As the film crew continued their search, the tension in the air thickened. The frantic pace of footsteps echoed through the hallways, doors were flung open, and voices called out their names with increasing urgency.

In this moment of crisis, the true essence of the film crew's bond and dedication became evident. They rallied together, driven by a shared purpose to reunite Aqua and Kana with their loved ones. Every member of the team scoured every nook and cranny, their determination unyielding.

Dio, still grappling with his own fears and frustrations, found himself caught in a whirlpool of emotions. The aggression that simmered beneath his surface now erupted, his voice sharp and demanding as he barked orders, his normally controlled demeanor giving way to raw intensity.

Amidst the chaos and anxiety, the clock ticked relentlessly. Time seemed to stretch, each passing moment increasing the weight of uncertainty.

"God damn it, what are these bastards doing? How can they not have found them yet!?" Dio growled, slamming his hand against the wall, causing the small room to shake from his strength.

"C-calm down Y/N, I'm sure the crew is doing what they can." Ai whispered, biting her own bottom lip to stop herself from sobbing.

It was then the door to the room opened, one of the filming crew bursting in. The film crew member rushed towards Dio and Ai, their eyes shining with a glimmer of hope. Dio's agitation momentarily subsided as he focused on the crew member's words.

"We found something," the crew member said, their voice filled with urgency. "While searching the grounds, we discovered a torn piece of fabric caught on a branch near the edge of the forest."

Dio's eyes narrowed, his mind racing to piece together the significance of the clue. Ai's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. They both leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the crew member, desperate for any shred of information that could lead them closer to Aqua and Kana.

"The fabric," the crew member continued, "it matches the clothing Aqua was wearing earlier."

That was all thar Dio needed. Without wasting another second, he leaped into action.

Dio's heart pounded in his chest as he sprinted through the forest, his footsteps muffled by the dense undergrowth. His mind raced, a whirlwind of worry and speculation. Why did Aqua and Kana disappear? Were they in danger? Dio's thoughts spiraled, considering every possible scenario.

A pang of annoyance gnawed at him. He had been entrusted with their safety, and now they were missing under his watch. The weight of responsibility bore heavily on his shoulders, pushing him to move faster, to push himself beyond his limits.

The forest enveloped Dio, its towering trees casting long shadows that seemed to taunt him. He leaped over fallen logs, maneuvered through thickets, and ducked under low branches. The urgency in his movements mirrored the frantic pace of his thoughts.

What could have caused their sudden disappearance? Was it an accident? A deliberate act? Dio's mind formed a web of theories, each thread leading to more questions. He couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous lurked in the depths of the forest, hidden from plain sight.

His concern for Aqua and Kana fueled his determination. They were his minions. Whoever tried to harm them or take them away was clearly disrespecting him. He gritted his teeth, pushing his body to its limits as he covered ground with reckless abandon.

Through the tangled foliage, Dio caught glimpses of the torn fabric that had been discovered earlier. It served as a tangible reminder of the urgency of the situation. With each sighting, his resolve strengthened, propelling him forward with an unyielding determination.

His mind flashed back to the moments he had spent with Aqua and Kana, the laughter they shared, the bond they formed. The thought of losing them, of their innocence being shattered, filled Dio with a mix of fear and fury. He wouldn't allow it. Not on his watch.

As he pressed on, the forest seemed to come alive around him. The rustling of leaves whispered secrets in his ears, and the creaking branches echoed his worries. Every step brought him closer to the truth, or so he hoped.

Dio's breathing grew labored, his legs burning with exertion, but he refused to slow down. The forest blurred past him, an amalgamation of greens and browns, as he chased after the elusive answers that eluded him.

Time ceased to exist as Dio's singular focus honed in on finding Aqua and Kana. His senses heightened, and he listened for any signs of their presence, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any clues.

As he raced through the forest, Dio's thoughts coalesced into a determined mantra. "I will find them. I will bring them back. No matter what it takes." And with every beat of his pounding heart, he opened his mouth to scream the name that he hadn't mentioned for a long time.


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