29: hectic schedules

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Ai sat in front of the mirror, her reflection staring back at her with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It was her first solo gig as an idol, a significant milestone in her career. But alongside the thrill, there was a sense of emptiness that lingered within her.

As she meticulously applied her makeup, her hands trembled slightly. The absence of Dio, her ever-present pillar of support, left her feeling adrift. She had grown accustomed to his presence, his encouraging words and playful banter that always managed to put a smile on her face. Now, without him by her side, she felt a void that nothing could fill.

"Ruby, thank you for being here with me," Ai whispered, her voice tinged with gratitude. Ruby, who had joined her as a companion for the day, offered a warm smile in response.

"I'm happy to be here, Ai-chan," Ruby replied softly. "We'll make sure this day is a success, just like all the other times."

Ai nodded, her eyes glimmering with determination. She appreciated Ruby's presence, her friendship providing a sense of comfort. But deep down, she knew that no one could truly replace Dio.

As the makeup artist finished applying the final touches, Ai glanced at her reflection, her heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. She wondered if she could handle this solo journey without Dio by her side, his unwavering support and charismatic presence. She took a deep breath, summoning her inner strength.

"I can do this," Ai whispered to herself, her voice wavering slightly. "I've worked hard for this moment, and I won't let Y/N down."

Yet, as the minutes ticked by, the loneliness began to settle in. The backstage atmosphere buzzed with frenetic energy, but Ai couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. She longed for Dio's reassuring presence, his contagious confidence that always made her feel invincible.

Her thoughts drifted to the countless memories they had shared together, the laughter and tears they had experienced side by side. Dio had become her confidant, her partner in crime, and her rock. The thought of facing the stage without him felt daunting, almost unbearable.

With a sigh, Ai stole a glance at Ruby, who was standing nearby, radiating warmth and support. Ruby's presence helped alleviate some of the emptiness, but Ai knew that nothing could truly replace the bond she shared with Dio.

"Y/N, I miss you," Ai whispered under her breath, her voice laced with longing. She knew that he couldn't be with her all the time, but his absence on this important day was particularly palpable.

Just then, the stage manager called out, signaling that it was time for Ai to make her entrance. She pushed aside her melancholy thoughts, summoning her inner strength and resolve. With a deep breath, she gathered her composure and stepped onto the stage, her heart pounding in her chest.

As the spotlight illuminated her, Ai could feel the energy of the crowd wash over her. The stage came alive, and she was surrounded by the cheers and adoration of her fans. In that moment, she found solace, knowing that she wasn't alone.

She delivered her performance with passion and determination, pouring her heart and soul into every note and every dance move. The crowd responded with thunderous applause, their support fueling her.

Throughout the performance, Ai couldn't help but steal glances at Ruby, who was watching from the sidelines with a proud smile. While Dio's absence was keenly felt, she knew that she had people who believed in her and stood by her side.

As the final notes faded away, Ai basked in the applause and adulation of the crowd.

Dio sat on the talk show set, surrounded by bright lights and an eager host waiting to delve into his life and career. But his thoughts were far away, consumed by the absence of Ai. Despite being in the spotlight, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and distraction.

As the host fired questions at him, Dio found himself answering mechanically, his mind drifting back to Ai's solo gig. He couldn't shake off the worry that gnawed at him, the urge to protect her and ensure her safety. It baffled him why he still felt this way when he was no longer her designated bodyguard.

"Why am I making such a big deal out of this?" Dio muttered to himself during a brief break from the interview. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in his eyes. "She's capable, and she has Ruby with her. There's no reason for me to be so concerned."

But try as he might, Dio couldn't ignore the knot of anxiety that twisted in his stomach. He had spent countless hours ensuring Ai's well-being, always being one step ahead to protect her from any potential harm. It had become ingrained in his nature, a reflex that was hard to let go.

"I must be losing my mind," Dio mumbled, contemplating the irrationality of his feelings. He couldn't understand why he still felt so deeply connected to Ai, even though their roles had changed. It wasn't just a matter of duty; it was something more profound.

As the interview resumed, Dio's responses became more forced, his attention wavering. He found himself mentally composing a list of possible reasons for his continued attachment to Ai. Perhaps it was a sense of responsibility, or the fear of losing someone that was his. Or maybe there was something deeper.

A realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. "I need to see a doctor," Dio whispered, his voice laced with determination. It was clear to him that there must be something wrong with his own psyche. The attachment he felt towards Ai went beyond reason, and he needed to address it before it consumed him.

The thought of seeking professional help both intrigued and frightened Dio. He prided himself on his self-assurance and independence, but now he realized the importance of understanding his own emotions. He needed to find clarity and make sense of his feelings for Ai.

As the talk show came to an end, Dio thanked the host, though his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his next step. He made a mental note to schedule an appointment with a therapist, to unravel the complexities of his connection with Ai.

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