A whole new reality

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cws ; mention of knives & murder

Pastor Vio stood in the sanctuary dusting off old bibles. It was a quiet day, the service just finished around 30 minutes ago. Cassidy sat in one of the pews dozing off into space. "Hey Pastor Vio?" She suddenly asked. "Yeah?"  He answered, picking up a crate filled up with bibles and placing it to the side. "What happened to Marie? She hasn't come to a service in almost two weeks.. I miss her." Cassidy said with a gloomy tone, her and Marie grew up together and became extremely close in the process.

"Now that you bring it up, I haven't seen her in a while." Vio placed his hand on his cheek in deep thought. "Why don't we just go to her house and see if she's okay?"  Cassidy suggested. Vio looked over at the kid with a surprised expression. "Cassidy, that's an invasion of privacy! What do we think God would've done?" Vio let out a frustrated sigh. 

"But this isn't like Marie at all! If she were to not come to a service, she would always force her mom to reach out or get Ms. Diane to call you!" Cassidy's tone was starting to sound desperate. Dave walked into the room with another box filled with old dusty books. "There's the last of 'em!" He brushed dirt off of his hand and headed towards the door.

"Wait! Mr. Dave!" Cassidy yelled out. Vio shot her a dirty look that said, "no yelling in the sanctuary."  "What's up kiddo?" Dave turned around and ruffled his light brown hair before placing his hand on his hips. "Have you seen Marie? I'm really worried about her." The young girl started to mess with her hair anxiously. Dave stood right still and tried to recall the last time he heard from the teen.

"Sorry kid, I can't remember the last time she showed up." The man answered with a sympathetic tone. "Ugh! I still can't get why we can't just go to her house and see what's going on! Her mom would understand, wouldn't she?" Cassidy was starting to get really frustrated, standing up and sulking. 

"You know how her mom gets, kiddo. I remember one time I went over there to bring their jacket back to them because they left it on the playground, and she pulled a knife on me." Dave recalled, sweating a bit from the thought. "That was also the same week where a murder happened on that same street, you think she wouldn't be suspicious about a random guy with a moustache bringing a jacket?" Cassidy said. "Cassidy! What has gotten into you lately? The lord would not approve of this behavior at all." Vio spoke, running to grab a cross from a nearby stand.

"I'm sorry!" Cassidy yelled. "Hey, let's all just calm down. Sir she's probably just stressed from not seeing her best friend." Dave waved his arms between the two. Vio let out a deep sigh and put the cross down. "I'll let it slide this once. Do not pull anything else, you got it?" Cassidy nodded fearfully, and walked behind Dave, using him as her shield. 

"How would we even be able to contact Marie? Is it possible she might've wanted a break from the church?" Cassidy asked. "That's nonsense! No one would ever want a break from our lord and savior! You know what, it's probably that grey haired kids fault. I knew they were trouble." Vio was about to go on a complete rant about how much of a "trouble kid" they were, but Dave cut him off.

"That's it! Why don't we go to, wait what was the name again-?"  "Kaz?" "Yeah, Kaz! Why don't we try their house?" Dave suggested. Vio looked at the man like he had just lost his mind but then he realized, it was a pretty good idea after all. "That's.. actually a really smart idea." He was about to scold the older guy. "You're so smart Mr. Dave!" Cassidy cheered, hugging him from behind. 

"Then let's go." The three got in Vio's car, Dave calling shotgun. Cassidy stared out the window with a sad feeling growing inside her. She could only hope Marie was okay. Vio frustratingly parked the car and started walking up. He didn't even wait for the others to get out before storming up to the front door of the Pineapple residence. 

Pastor Vio knocked on the door softly, waiting for an answer. Exactly the person he was looking for answered, a short grey haired emo kid. Kaz Pineapple, god how the pastor despised him. "Hello?" Kaz spoke, a bit confused why the pastor of the church he used to attend was at his front door. "Hello Kaz. I was wondering if you knew the whereabouts of Marie?" Vio adjusted the imaginary tie as he spoke, avoiding eye contact.

Kaz suddenly looked very queasy. An unfamiliar look sprung on their face almost like fizz had been reborn. "Oh yeah! We had a sleepover last night, come on in!" Fizz ushered the pastor in quite quickly, not even acknowledging the other two.  "So where is she?" Vio wasn't playing any games, he was already suspicious enough of Kaz. 

When he walked past the living room, an unfamiliar kid with dark black hair and glasses sat on the ground playing with Legos. Vio looked at the kid like he was an ancient artifact until they made eye contact, them looking back almost instantly, seemingly scared of the eye contact. All he did was simply shake his head in a "no" motion before the pastor was pulled on the arm by Kaz. 

Vio couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling. He decided to make some small talk. "So, how has Diane been? Mervin? How have you guys been?" That only made the uneasy feeling expand as the grey-haired kid answered with a blank tone. "They've been fine, just quiet." His thoughts were telling him to run. "Oh really huh? Well that's wonderful! I actually just remembered that I left Cassidy in the car by accident! Got to go, hope you and Marie have a fun sleepover!" Vio attempted to free himself from Kaz's grasp but the kid only tightened on it, like fizz's hands were chains.

His walking increased until they made it outside a blank door. Kaz looked over to the pastor and ushered him in. All he could do was walk in the room, hearing it slam behind him and the door locking as well. If only he could've listened to his intuition. In defeat, he looked around the room. What was a place like this doing in their house anyway?

A small table in the middle of the room caught his attention. It looked like a chocolate cake from a distance, he inched closer. "It's just cake, seriously? There's no reason to be scared. You have god to protect you." He reassured himself in his head. Whatever he had expected to happen when he touched the cake was not even close to what actually happened. A small portal opened, sucking him and few others into it. He could've sworn he heard the familiar cackle of the grey-haired teen before his vision went completely dark.

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