An Encounter

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tw ; gay people

Adam kept taking sneaked glances from behind as he ran with the unknown person. All that he could see was messy black hair. Once looking down, small blackberry charms rested on the boys wrist.

 After a bit of running, they came to a stop, both of them breathing heavily. Blueberry looked up to meet the boy's face. His black hair covered a partial side of his face. Two small piercings on his nose in the shapes of blackberry.

"Why did you do that?" Adam asked. It seems like the blackberry was a little surprised at how he reacted. "Do what?" "Save me. Why?" The blue-haired boy was still dumbfounded. He had been told by most how unlikeable he was, why was this person treating him like this? "I didn't want you to die. At least not before I could talk to you?" This answer only strokes more confusion in him. 

"I'm confused.." "I wanted to talk to you and try to help you." "With what? I don't need any help. I'm perfectly fine here." Trevor noticed how shaky his voice was getting. "Are you sure? Anything?" "I am okay, I promise." His voice almost sounded robotic in a way, like someone or something was controlling him.

"Adam." Everything around him went silent. In that moment, it felt like they were the only people in the world. In this place even. "Yes?" Trevor walked up to him. "Do you really feel safe here?" He had to take a second to actually think about everything. That hasn't happened in a long time.

He's rarely ever able to be alone with his thoughts, especially since the newcomers. "Yes. Now I really have to go, I'm sorry." Adam ran away as fast as he could to his safe space. An old painting that had a fruit salad on it. No, he doesn't go into the painting Blue's Clues style, if you remove the painting from the wall there's actually a secret spot where he sometimes rests for a while. 

A place just for him. Where no one can get in his way. Wait, did he hang the painting back up? A Sudden crash happened he hid as far away from view as possible. It must have been either Diane or Kaz. Everyone else is either locked away or dead most likely. 

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