Different food groups

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After the announcement concluded, the captives took a look at themselves. They were all different fruit attire. Whatever food group their outfit was from was the people they were forced with. With the help of his two friends Alex and Elliot he was able to stand up. He looked down at his outfit and noticed that even the little strawberries in his hair were removed, replaced by two lemons. His entire outfit was lemon themed, assuming he was a part of the citrus group. Looking around the room, he noticed a curly haired boy who looked to be an orange, maybe even a blood orange? Vik left his two friends behind and ran towards the boy, attempting to start conversation.

"Excuse me, are you an orange?" He asked, maintaining eye contact. Mason looked him up and down and realized he was a lemon. "I guess so. So, what are we, the sour and sweet group or something?" He said sarcastically. "Oh please, it's most likely the citrus food group. Look over there, that girl with the dark curly hair looks like a lime!" Vik pointed out, grabbing Mason's arm and running over to her. Cassidy looked surprised yet delighted to talk to people. 

"Are you guys' also citrus themed food? I'm a lime!" Cassidy spoke, jumping up and down a bit. Mason didn't want to assume, but it seemed like she hasn't talked to many people her age in a bit. "Yeah! I'm a lemon and he is an orange." Vik spoke calmly. "Well, if we are gonna be grouped together for this, let's learn each other's names!" The shortest girl spoke, while twirling her hair a bit. "Sure!" "I'm down." The other two said while Cassidy gestured for them to sit down.

The black-haired boy was left all alone. His friend Mason was the only person he really knew. They didn't seem to be in the same group either, since he was an orange and it looked like Trevor was a blackberry. "In what universe would those correlate?" Trevor thought to himself. What looked like a man with light brown hair approached him, asking him what fruit he was. Everything about this place was so confusing to him. 

"Uh, I'm a blackberry. Why?" "Oh really?" The man looked down at himself and saw the dark pink berries stuck to not only his outfit but also his glasses. "Then I think we're on the same team. I'm a raspberry." "Oh, alright. Isn't there supposed to be three on a team though?" Trevor grabbed Dave's hand he had reached out and took it, pulling him up. "Why don't we ask those two people over there?" The boy pointed towards the two goober siblings, who looked lost in their thoughts.

"That's a good idea!" Trevor and Dave walked over towards them, trying their hardest to not look intimidating. "Hello?" Alex said calmly. "Sorry to bother you two, but we were wondering what fruit's you were?" Dave spoke with a quiet tone. "Oh, that's no problem! I believe I might be a plum, but we have no idea what Elliot is." "Trevor looked over at the blonde kid who had a weird yellow berry hanging from his ears like earrings. "Do you mind if I get closer? So I can see if I recognize these?" Elliot shook his head and looked away. Trevor sat down next to Elliot and lightly grabbed his "earrings". He sniffed them a bit and felt a familiar smell. 

"Those are gooseberries. A yellowish berry that is found typically in parts of Europe and Western Asia." Trevor said. "So he's with us?" Dave asked. "Yup." Trevor stood up and reached his hand towards the blonde. Elliot looked over towards his sister who gave him a small nod. Even though Elliot was older than her, he still depended on her for many things. Vik and Alex are the only people he'd actually classify as his friends. He grabbed Trevor's hand and stood up, waving goodbye to his sister as they went to go talk somewhere.

A dejected Vio stood in the middle of the "sanctuary" looking for someone. The pastor noticed a girl sitting in the corner, wearing all purple. She was all he could see that didn't have anyone beside her or in a group so he approached her. "Do you have a group yet?" Alex was stunned by the person suddenly speaking to her but paid no mind. "Nope, what about you?" "Neither do I." 

"Well what fruit are you?" Vio asked, looking at her confused. "I'm not the best with my fruits but I think I'm a plum. What about you?" Alex answered admiring her outfit once again. Pastor Vio actually never had the chance to look at his outfit just now doing it, noticing the plain black colored stole on his robe changed into a peach color. 

"I guess I'm a peach? This is so weird..." Vio shivered. "Right?! I swear, I'm still not fully convinced this is real. This could very well be a huge elaborate sleep paralysis and I wouldn't even know." Alex used the wall behind her to stand up. "It's kinda funny how planned out this is though. Were you able to get a glance at the strawberry and blueberry duo?" The plum asked. 

Vio stood in place in fear. "Oh I was able to see them face to face. I was the person who they threw in here, remember?!" Pastor Vio spoke angrily. Alex's face twisted from confusion to fear. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't even make you out from here!" She spoke truthfully. Priest calmed down, putting his hands down. "It's fine, I guess. I didn't get anything important about them. Other than that, the strawberry is in dire need of a haircut." Alex put their hand over their mouth trying to hide the laughter.

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