Sweet Deal

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cws ; mention of character death

As soon as he gained control back, Vik ran into the corner of the room and sobbed. He was so excited to go into this universe with his best friends and now he had watched one perish right before his very eyes. Viktor just wanted a break. 

Faint footsteps could be heard in his ears as he tried to hide away. Two voices he recognized almost immediately started speaking to him. "Vik are you okay?" Mason asked placing his hand on Vik's shoulder. 

All he could do was shake his head before another voice spoke. "Are you fine with us being here?" Cassidy asked calmly. Vik was getting a lot more comfortable around them, so he nodded his head slightly, turning himself to face them. 

Mason sat on his right while Cassidy sat on his left. "Do you want to talk about it?" "S-sure.." He managed to get a few words out. "Alright, what was your relationship with Elliot?" Mason asked, ripping the bandaid right off.

Vik took a sharp breath before talking. "We were best friends. Me, him, and his sister Alex. We all did everything together. He got me through so many hard times, and I got him through many as well."

 Cassidy and Mason shared sympathetic looks as he continued. "I did almost everything with him, he taught me so much that I'll never forget." Vik started to cry again, the other two consoling him. Mason played with his hair a bit while Cassidy rubbed his back.

"Now that that's over, can you tell me a little more about this "Marie"?" Alex asked, genuinely curious. "Whats there else to say about her? I told you everything didn't I?" Vio's speaking confused Alex a bit. "Well there has to be something so important about her! You told me that you and your friends personally went to her house to find her!" 

Alex wasn't buying anything. "Yeah exactly, that's it!" Vio was getting angry. "Seriously?! Fine. I was going to tell you an idea I had." "And that is?" "An idea to save Marie." That caught Vio's attention. "How?" 

"I believe she may be being held hostage here, wherever its called. That one strawberry person, you said they looked familiar, no?" "Yeah they do, they look like someone who used to go to my church." Pastor Vio's blood went cold. "My church! I just remember it! How is it going to run if the pastor isn't there?!" Alex put a hand on the panicked man's shoulder. "That is the least of our concerns doofus."

"Maybe yours!" Alex ignored the man's breakdown and continued her investigation. "Were this "Kaz" and Marie friends?" "Yes, I hate to say it but they even acted like more than friends!" Plum was a bit weirded out by the comment but ignored it.

 "So do you think there's a possibility for Kaz to have a part in Marie's disappearance?" "Oh absolutely. I went to visit his house to find Marie and he was acting strange. I ignored it and decided to ask about his parents, and he said they were "quiet"?" Her face looked like she had just won the lottery.

"You went to Kaz's house to find Marie and that's how you got here?" "Yes." "So that solves it! It was Kaz." "I guess? What does that prove though?" "Vio, I need you to tell me everything that led up to you being here, alright?"  

"Okay? I drove to Kaz's house with a few friends to find Marie and Kaz answered, ignored all my questions, led me to some random white room with a chocolate cake, it sucked me in like a portal, I woke up on some chocolate thing, passed out, and woke up here." Plum could only look at the pastor with a dropped jaw. He said all of this like it was nothing!

"Oh my.. christ that is a lot to take in." "Don't use the lords name in vain like that!" Vio got up in Alex's face. "Sorry sorry!" She apologized. "But, that sure is a lot to take in. What if we try to save Marie?" Alex suggested. 

"How would we do that?" Vio was all for the idea but was confused on how they would be able to succeed. "During our next few challenges, lets try to find any clues we can." "What do you think would happen if we mentioned the name "Marie" to either of the berries?" Vio wondered.

"That's a smart idea! But we can't just go up to it and say "Hey do you know a Marie?" we need to be subtle." Plum reminded. "Like what?" Peach asked. "Say like, "Did you hear about Marie? She's the next up and coming star!" Or talk somewhat about a Marie from your time!" "We should definitely get a script." "Oh absolutely! I have a good idea." Alex said. "Go on.." Vio spoke intriguingly.

Alex pulled out a pencil from her pocket and used the wall to write it down. "Should we really be doing this?" "Are you against it or something? "No, I mean should we be writing our plan on the brick wall out of all places?" Vio said. "Good point.. but it's all we have really. Anyways here it is!" Plum did small jazz hands as she stepped away from the wall allowing Vio to read it.

"I would never say "This place has heavenly scenery."" The pastor complained. "Of course you would, Cassidy told me a lot about you Vio." Vio was shocked by what he was hearing. "Since when did you talk with Cassidy?" 

"Since before we were even untied from the celery rope things. We were facing each other so why not?" Alex laughed a little. "Now, get back to the plan. Memorize your lines and we will do this next challenge."

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