Betrayal was her name

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tws ; blood, dead people

Vio ran through the empty hallways with Marie right behind him. Alex was finally able to convince the pastor to say the script. They had no idea if it worked or not, Alex distracted Kaz while he ran to free her.

"You did it.." Marie suddenly said. The priest turned to meet their eyes. "What do you mean?" He asked confused. "You freed me. Vio, you did it." Marie's voice started to glitch out a bit.

"Marie? You're scaring me.." Vio stepped back a little, clutching his stole. "I don't know what you mean? It's me! Marie." Her familiar smile faded away and was replaced with the bone chilling stare of Kaz.

"What?! How did you-" "Did you seriously think that I would let you get out THAT easily?!" It yelled. That wasn't Kaz anymore, nothing about it was him. Fizz was nothing but a poor corrupted boy who fell victim.

Peach ran as fast as he could. He needed to find Alex. Not only her though, anyone alive. This was no longer just a fruit challenge, it was a fight for his life. Vio knew something was up with that damn strawberry. It wasn't a normal human. No one here was, no matter how much they tried.

Vio ran to find the room where Alex was last seen. As he walked in, his entire body froze. He saw Dave standing above a bloody Alex, staring directly into her soul. "Dave..?" The older man jumped a little, pulled from his trance.

"What the fuck happened?" Dave asked. Vio ignored the mans question, only focused on his friend. "Did.. you do this?" Only then did the pastor look Dave in the eyes. Dave noticed something different about him, he was.. crying?

"N-no?! Why would I do this?! Why would I want to kill someone?!" He tried to defend himself but Pastor Vio ignored it. He was too far down this rabbit hole to even think about praying. "You..." His finger shakingly pointed into the sunglasses-wearing mans face.

"YOU FILTHY KILLER!!" For once in his life, Vio disregarded the God. He disregarded everything in his head that was telling him to not act on impulses. Pastor Vio punched Dave in the face, smacking his glasses right clean off. It was so quiet they could hear the sound of the glasses breaking on the ground. Vio stepped on them with hatred.

"What the hell was that for?!" Dave yelled at him in rage. "You know how fucking special those are to me! My mother gave me those!" The man started crying, he couldn't even look down at the sight.

Vio felt a tinge of guilt as the man sobbed. "You killed her. You killed HER. Why should I care how you feel when you killed my ONLY FRIEND?!" Vio yelled clenching his fist once again. Dave gave the pastor the dirtiest look he could ever muster in his life. Vio could've sworn he felt shivers go down his spine.

"Do you seriously think I killed Alex? That I'm a "filthy fucking killer?" Dave walked up towards Vio, they were inches apart. "I'll show you a filthy fucking killer." He then started to punch him repeatedly until the priest fell to the floor.

Suddenly Cassidy and Vik ran in and with the help of them two, they were able to get Dave off of Vio. "What's going on?!" Cassidy yelled panicked. None of them even took a look down at Alex's now rotting body underneath them. "Dave! He-" Vio was speaking through exhausted breaths. His nose was bleeding and nearly broken.

"He's trying to frame me for something I didn't do. I had to teach him a lesson." Dave spoke calmly. "Bullshit!" Vio yelled. Startling everyone, especially Cassidy. Never one in her life had she heard the "good christian man" she once looked up to swear.

"He killed Alex!" The two young's blood went cold. Vik suddenly looked down and saw her body right under his feet. He let out the most blood curdling scream and he jumped into Cassidy's arms cliche style. She only looked to Dave with a scared look on her face.

"Mr. Dave..?" She spoke, voice evident that she was on the verge on tears. "Did-did you?" Dave shook his head vigorously. "Absolutely not! I think Vio has gone insane or something!" "Me?! I've gone insane?! You literally tried to fucking kill me as well! You're spiraling!" Vik decided to join in.

"You did what?" Since his glasses were no longer on his face, his expression was a lot easier to make out. He looked scared, shocked even that everyone was turning against him. "I swear to God I didn't! How can I prove it?!" He pleaded with everyone, small tears falling from his eyes.

"Well the only way we can know 100% for sure would to be to ask Alex. But you know.." Vik said, jumping down from Cassidy's arms and gesturing towards the body. "But you can't just leave me here alone to die! I didn't even do anything wrong!" He yelled, his screams starting to sound a lot more desperate."

"Says who?" Vik said, grabbing Cassidy's hand and pulling Vio up from the floor. Dave watched with caution. "What are you doing.." "Just what you said." Vio and Cassidy looked at Vik like he was crazy. "We know it's you." He slammed the door shut, locking it.

Dave punched the wall out of frustration. He pulled the small microphone from off of his broken glasses and tapped on it a little bit. "This is Guard Center, they found me out."

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