The blood is on your Hands

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tws & cws ; attempted suicide, small blood mentions, knife, gun mention, gay people

Kaz angrily stomped into Diane's lair, ignoring everyone else who was currently in there. Walking over towards the tube room, fizz angrily punched a hole in a painting. Behind this painting was some sort of code panel.

Breathing in, calming himself down, he entered the code. After a few seconds a clear box was shown on display instead of the original panel. A pink-ish gun rested in the box, which Kaz smashed open to retrieve it. Picking it up, he ran out of the room quickly.

Vio, Cassidy, and Vik looked at each with a mix of confusion and anger. All three of them had now woken up to find themselves back in the situation they were in around a month ago. It's so crazy to think they're been away from their home that long.

Vik took a sneak glance over at Adam and the blackberry guy. He was never able to actually get the guy's name unfortunately. Mood in the room drifted away as Dave walked in. They all resented him for what he did. No little bit of forgiveness or sympathy for him would ever exist anymore.

Blueberry no longer had the knife to his throat as he acknowledged Dave's presence. "Is something wrong?" Adam tilted his head in confusion. "The guards are dead." Dave's face deadpanned." Cassidy noticed something about him. His eyes were the same from when they first came here. The same ones she felt safe with. The eyes she knew.

Dave looked over to Adam and nodded a bit. To the captives surprise, Dave walks over and starts to undo the celery. Vio stood up shockingly and backed away a little from him. The pastor was not hiding his unsure feeling.

Once the other two were undone Vio grabbed them and shielded them. There had to be some reason Dave was acting like this. All Dave did was just stare at them, blankly.

"Are you gonna say something?" He spoke, voice quivering a little. Dave pointed towards the shiny gray doors and nodded to Vio. As he walked, he did it backwards to ensure safety for the two kids.

The door slammed. Adam looked at Dave like he was a crazy person. "Why the hell would you let them free?!" His eyes became brighter as they yelled. Dave slapped him. "You need to wake up, Adam! Break free from this curse!"

"NO!" He yelled running towards the tube room, shaking with anger. "You know what, if Diane's to scared to push this button then I will!" "WAIT-" Dave tried to yell. It was too late. He watched in fear as his blue-stained hand made contact with the bright red button.

The angrier he got, blueberry juice started to leak from his head. A loud alarm ringed from above as he smiled. The sound of someone struggling through some ropes was heard and Adam stormed back into the room.

"Oh no you don't!" Adam held Trevor down as he tightened the "ropes". "Adam PLEASE! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!" Trevor now yelled, making eye contact with him then switching to Dave. "Come on!" Dave joined in. Maybe if the two of them scream it so much then he'll have no choice but to call it off.

"Shut up! Shut up!" Covering his ears in anger. "What would your mother think of this?" Trevor asked. He froze in place looking down at him. He couldn't even make out a complete sentence, it was all just a stuttering mess.

Trevor looked over at Dave with hope, but he was only met with dread. Adam was crying. Crying. Crying blueberry tears that fell down straight onto the celery ropes, one by one snapping them.

"What have I been doing?!" Blueberry muttered to himself. His eyes were no longer a dark blue but a light brown. Dave and Trevor were victorious.

A small sharp object fell from his pocket. A knife. More importantly a blood stained knife. Adam picked it up slowly and hovered it above his chest.

"Woah woah!" Trevor yanked Adam's arm so hard that he stood up. "Don't even think about it." He held his arm close to him, preventing the knife from impaling him.

"But-" "Don't even. Come on we need to go find  the others." Adam nodded hesitantly, starting walk with blackberry. Trevor turned to Dave, who was still standing there. "Are you coming?" Dave shook his head. "I can't I need to do something." Dave said.

"Okay.." Trevor gave him kind of a weird look but passed it aside as him and Adam walked out of the room. "Where would everyone be?" Blackberry asked. "Probably back in the room they started in." Blueberry answered. "Let's go then."

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