A whole new world

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"What is his problem?" Cassidy spoke under her breath as Vio ran up to the house. "He really hates that family kiddo." Dave answered simply. "Why? Is it cause one of the family members are gay?" The girl blurted out, covering her mouth almost immediately after. Dave looked at the kid with a shocked face. "Wait seriously?" "Yeah.. I think I might know why Marie left the church.." Cassidy suddenly connected the dots.

Dave laughed a little, expecting a joking answer. "And what's that?" "Because Marie and their friend Kaz are gay!" "Woah there child, assuming someone's sexuality is a huge invasion of privacy!"  The older male shut the idea down almost instantly. "But it's not impossible!" He hesitated a bit before answering. "Well, yeah it isn't, but that's their personal life, not ours. Now come on we need to catch up to pastor Vio." Dave reached out his hand for Cassidy to grab.

Once they reached the house, the door was already unlocked. Slamming on a door was heard in the distance which startled Cassidy a bit. Not a single sign of Marie in sight. "I don't like this.. can we leave Mr. Lee?" She asked, heart beating. "We need to grab Vio, remember? After that we can go." "I wish Marie was here.. I really miss her." Cassidy sulked. It felt like some type of portal opened and swallowed everyone and everything in sight whole. Faint screaming of people neither of them even recognized was heard as they finally lost consciousness.

When they woke up, they were tied to a chair average Disney movie style, back-to-back. Instead of ropes, it was celery, which made both Cassidy and Dave even more sick to their stomaches. They were able to talk, but not a single word would come out. The room around them was decked out to look exactly like the sanctuary back at home but with a fruity theme to it. 

The pews were made out of apple slices, the crosses were made from bananas, and even the microphone was an eggplant. Everything around them was so unreal, if only they could pinch themselves to hopefully wake them up from whatever stage of hell this was. As Cassidy looked around, she noticed that her and Dave weren't the only people trapped here. In the right corner sat a goth looking kid with black hair and a few piercings back-to-back with a kid with brown curly hair laughing. 

Across from them sat a girl with shoulder length blackish-brown hair and bangs wearing a grey leather jacket with a blonde-haired boy that had a simple plain light brown shirt on fidgeting with his fingernails best he could. The last person he could make out was someone sitting all alone. He had small strawberries in his brown hair that seemingly provided dark pink highlights to his hair.

Cassidy wanted to go talk to him. But all of her concern faded into worry as a familiar person with grey hair decked out in strawberry everything slammed the door open. A yet also familiar person dressed in blueberry attire walked in as well, with small glasses you could find almost anywhere. They both held an extremely familiar man by each arm, who was fighting his hardest to break free. Both people threw the guy onto the ground, and suddenly the celery grasps holding the others back broke apart. The door slammed shut.

"Pastor Vio?!" Cassidy whisper-yelled, running up to him, Dave following quickly behind. "Sir are you okay?" Dave sat down and felt his heartbeat. "Jesus Christ..." The pastor spoke in an exhausted voice. Dave and Cassidy looked at each other with a mix or surprise and concern. Pastor Vio would never say anything like that. One time Marie accidently said that after nearly dropping a pencil and she wasn't able to be the candle girl for a week.

Cassidy and Dave continued to shake the preacher to wake him up. On the other side, a blonde-haired boy and his black-haired sister ran to help their friend. The poor kid was sat nearly paralyzed in the corner. He had managed to break free of the celery ages ago and just sat there staring into the void.

"Vikky? Are you there?" Elliot asked, waving his hand in the boy's face. Vik still remained in the same stage as before. "Viktor? Viktor Silly? Hello?" Alex joined her brother in waving her hand in his face, watching as Elliot started shaking his shoulders. "Huh?" The strawberry boy was pulled from his trance thanks to his two friends and stood at them in confusion. "What's going on? What are we doing here?" He asked with a scared tone. "We don't know either man." Alex said as she went over to sit down next to Vik.

"Oh shit-" Trevor spoke as he suddenly fell to the ground, hitting his head pretty hard from the impact. Mason only stared at his friend in awe as he tried to massage the pain in his head away. Before the celery broke, they were both moving around the chairs extremely fast in an attempt to slip through the "ropes". The curly-haired boy laughed at his friend to the point where he was fighting for air to breathe. All Trevor could do was watch with the blankest look of disappointment his mind could muster at the time without hurting himself.

A voice came from the loudspeaker startling everyone in the room, especially Viktor and Cassidy. "Welcome to the fruitbowl. If you take a chance to look at yourself, you may notice you all are different fruits. This has a relevance to who you will be placed with. Now, you probably have two questions. Number one; who are you? Now, that's not really important, is it? It's not like I'm going to ever have to talk to you guys again after this." Mysterious speaker let out a small sinister laugh before continuing. "Number two; why am I here? Well, you were chosen. Oh, by who you may ask? Jeez you ask so many questions. I choose you myself. Now have fun! Don't get too rotten!" Yet another sinister laugh was let out before the speaker shut off. All they could do was look around at each other, startled by the variety of fruits that were in the same room. 

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