The Young Lion takes its Crown

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tws & cws ; major character death, character death, guns & knives, extreme gory descriptions

The loud alarm startled the four. "What the hell was that?!" Vik yelled frustratingly, looking over at Cassidy. "I don't know either! What do we do?!" Cassidy and Vik shared the same feeling of dread. Adam and Trevor looked at each other. "If it's the worst-case scenario, we should go back to the sanctuary." He said firmly. "Are you sure that's the best idea?" Trevor was growing the same feeling as the other two.

"No offense, but I know this place a lot better than any of you. Best place to hide is in there because the guards will kill anyone and anything in sight, including in the hallway." Swords clanging together, harsh footsteps, a gun reloading. Adam grabbed onto Trevor's wrist as Cassidy did the same with Vik. They rushed into the sanctuary and Adam ushered Cassidy and Vik to hide behind a pew.

Doors swung open, an angry Kaz looked the two berries directly in the eye. "Adam?" He looked up and saw the look of betrayal in his eyes. Trevor stepped away fearfully and ran to sit with the others. "What the heck are you doing?" Cassidy whispered. "He's gonna kill him!" Vik nudged Trevor a bit.

"If anything, that damn strawberry looks a bit betrayed. They might make up and become BFFS again." Trevor rolled his eyes. "Wouldn't you be jealous though? I mean it's pretty damn obvious you have the hots for him." Vik said, laughing a little. Cassidy joined in on the laughing, Trevor putting a hand on his forehead.

"Adam? Are you serious?" Kaz looked like he was about to cry. "I-I thought we were friends? Is that why you were always sneaking off? To go befriend some random fucking emo kid and make out with him? Is THAT why?" Kaz spoke with disgust. Adam looked at Kaz with a blank expression. It melted into an angry one as he spoke up.

"Am I serious? No, are YOU serious? You and your little posse treat me like absolute shit and you expect me NOT to betray you?! Name one time you've actually treated me like a human being, huh?" His breathing was going faster and faster by the second. Hands twitching, he went on.

"Literally the last time we spoke before this was you threatening to harm me if I didn't harm someone else! You made me KILL an INNOCENT girl ALL BECAUSE SHE WAS TRYING TO STOP YOUR PLAN!"

Kaz's eye started to twitch a little bit. "You.. traitor.." He shakingly pulled out the pink gun that sat in his pocket. "I must end you.. there's no way you should be able to live like this." Fizz's voice quivers. Adam wasn't going to fall for that again, he pulled out the knife that rested in his pocket.

"Do you recognize this, Kaz?" Adam spoke calmly. "..No?" He inspected the weapon from afar. "Oh really?" Blueberry turned over to where the three bystanders were sitting and motioned for Trevor to come over. Blackberry hesitantly stood up and walked towards Adam. Once he was there, Adam continued.

"What about this?" He took a deep breath and grabbed Trevor by the collar, keeping eye contact. "Do you not want to help her out?!" Trevor's eyes widened and Adam gave him a quick nod, signaling for him to keep calm. "Why won't you help her?!" He tried to imitate fizz's voice as best as he could. Guess it worked, since he started to scream in the middle.

"I get it now! You've betrayed me for some random kid now! I get it now, I GET IT." His breathing patterns were unsteady. Putting his hands in his own hair, Kaz started to furiously pull some out, falling to the floor. The duo stepped back a bit, watching as Kaz started to twitch rapidly. "Shit-" "What the hell do we do?" Trevor panickily shouted.

"Stay calm." Blueberry put a hand on his chest. "I can handle this." Adam walked up to meet Kaz, arm being pulled back by the other guy. "Are you sure?" "Yes. Now let go of m-" Adam cut himself off by a horrid sight. In just a small second, Trevor's head exploded into millions of blackberry guts.

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