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"Have fun sweetie! I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight alright?" The kid nodded his head as he walked towards the giant door. Adam had no idea how rich the Pineapple family was. It's not like he was excited for the sleepover or anything, Kaz's "best friend" is staying over as well. All they do is leave him out.

Adam really liked Marie. He really had nothing against her, but he felt like a third wheel constantly. Within 10 minutes of the sleepover starting, the black-haired kid was sitting on the complete other side of the living room from the other two, who were laughing at something on Marie's tablet. 

Adam excused himself to go to the bathroom. It honestly sucked seeing how his friend was just distancing themselves from him. Of course, Adam wasn't trying to gatekeep Kaz or anything, he just wasn't used to being ignored by him this much. A loud smack sound came from downstairs took him out of his thoughts. 

Millions of scenarios were running through his head as he ran to lock the bathroom door and cowered in the tub. Screaming erupted and filled his ears almost like an infection. Turning on the bathtub was the best possible scenario to drown everything out. The normally clear cold water replaced itself with a dark blue scented liquid that flooded his mind, causing him to pass out.

Once he awoke, he was back in the living room sitting on the floor like normal. Except Marie wasn't there, it was just him and Kaz. He made eye contact with Kaz with a confused expression, but all fizz did was smile at him with an eerie expression before the sound of knocking took them out of whatever trance they were in. 

"I'll get it!" Kaz spoke with an excited yet dead tone, leaving Adam alone in his thoughts. As the grey-haired boy stood up, a single strawberry fell from his hoodie pocket. The black-haired kid picked it up and examined it as his friend answered the door, quickly stuffing it in his pocket before unexpectedly making eye contact with the guest. It was the pastor of the old church his father used to force him to go as a kid.

After coast was clear, he took the strawberry out of his pocket and look closer at it, taking his glasses off. Suddenly Kaz stormed into the room and yanked him by the arm, dragging him somewhere. His vision suddenly went foggy, and both him and his friend fell to the ground, one of them a little more delighted than the other.

Vio found himself standing in the middle of nowhere, when he tried to move, he was pulled by down by what looked like melted chocolate. The pastors blood went cold as he found himself trying to slap his face in order to prove this was some sort of dream, it wasn't. Once he finally stood up, the ground was nearly as slippy as an ice-skating rink. A headache formed causing more frustration. It was all that damn kid's fault. That damn Pineapple. Where even was he? By the looks of it, a big rendition of the average grocery store. 

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