Malfunction of the Vocal Cords

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tws ; choking, character death, puking

The plan was set in stone. Alex and Vio wanted to try and save Marie and hoped this would help. After rehearsing the script for around the 5th time, the door slammed open and the guards from earlier stood there. Correction, only one actually stood there. Left guard was nowhere to be seen.

"Do you remember the plan?" Alex asked, just wanting to make sure. "How could I not? It's basically engraved in my head at this point." Vio said mockingly which ticked the plum off a bit. "Do you want to save Marie or not?" Alex did not realize how loud she said that, grabbing attention from a few people near her, especially the lime.

"Did you just say Marie?" She walked up to the two. Plum and Peach shared a panicked look before Vio spoke up. "No we didn't! We actually said carry!" Pastor looked over towards his partner and nodded his head a bit, trying to coerce her into joining his lie.

"Yeah. I was making a joke because you know how old he is, and he might fall on his legs and break one and then I'd have to carry him!" Alex spoke in between laughs. "Oh alright!" Cassidy said, not fully convinced but hid it pretty well. She walked back over to her group and sat down.

"What was that for?!" Vio shoved Alex's arm a bit. "Out of all things that's what you could come up with?!" "I had to come up with it on the spot! What else could I say?!" Alex defended herself. "Anything ELSE but that!" "Oh whatever, come on we'll probably get yelled at again if we don't move to the middle."

"For once everyone is actually on time. Very surprising." Guard Right spoke as his head twitched a little to look directly at the Stone team then looking right back into the middle. "This challenge is going to be a little different than your last one. Of course, there is one thing similar to that. Would you like to know what that is?" The room stayed silent. It was so silent even the sound of Mason scratching his scalp could be heard.

"Scared? There's no need to be. Just your average version of natural selection, the fruity way!" Guard Right laughed a little at his joke before putting his arms up and putting everyone back in the trance from the day before. Bad thoughts of everything that went down flooded everyone's heads especially Vik's.

Guard Right led the group to a kitchen. Seven chairs sat around a giant table that had a clear bowl that once again held seven different fruits. Pineapple, apple, kiwi, grape, banana, mango, and pomegranates. Guard Right ushered them to all sit in a seat and gather around.

"You all will eat pick one out of these seven fruits to eat." No one seemed to be stunned about that, it was just fruits. Guard Right let out a sinister smile that sent shivers down everyone's spines, including Adam and Kaz, who were watching from a small distance.

"Of course, though there's a twist. I'm not going to tell you what it is though. That's just the fun of everything!" Kaz let out a small laugh at this comment, his teeth being exposed in the process. Adam looked over and noticed that his once pearly whites were replaced by strawberry covered spikes. He was getting out of control.

"Everyone must pick a fruit. If they refuse to, they will be eliminated. Permanently." Guard Right took off his mask and gave everyone a stern look. He pointed towards Cassidy. "You first, pick one." Cassidy's hand shook a little from being put on the spot but she quickly grabbed the pomegranate.

Guard Right had moved over towards where Kaz and Adam stood, watching as everyone grabbed a fruit and ensuring they do. Mason grabbed a kiwi, Vik grabbed a mango, Vio grabbed the banana, Alex grabbed the grape, she figured it would be smarter to grab the smallest fruit since it would be the hardest to hide any suspicious substance in such a small thing.

Dave grabbed the apple. It immediately caught his eye as the man had always loved anything to do with apples. After everyone had their fruits in front of them, Kaz walked over with a small white berry. He stood in front of them and threw it in the air, watched as it hit the countertops and smashed it.

Fizz picked up the remains of the berry and by using his right pointer finger, licked a tiny bit. This revealed the number four on his tongue, making everyone look directly at Vio. He was the fourth person to grab his fruit. "Does this mean I eat my fruit?" The pastor looked Kaz right in the eyes as he asked. "What do you think Jesus boy?" Dave and Cassidy's eyes went wide at what fizz had just said.

Vio was obviously ticked off by what the strawberry had said but decided to not risk his life for almost the third time he's been here. Peach picked up the banana and took a one-third bite of it, placing it down. Everyone waited suspensefully as he swallowed it down. "Nothing." "Oh, thank god.." Cassidy muttered under her breath, earning a dirty look from Vio.

Both Dave and Vik went, and thankfully both of their fruits had nothing in it. Vik was a bit hesitant to eat the mango since the weird texture. It felt like some type of glove had touched it. After the rest but two ate, it was just Mason and Cassidy left. Kaz did the same trick and landed on a two. Mason took a bite out of his kiwi and didn't feel anything.

Until all of a sudden his head started to pound. All of a sudden, he could hear the blood flowing through his veins like a waterfall, riddling his head. He sat down on the floor and tried to cover his ears to stop the sounds but it only made it worse. Orange started to forcibly puke up the kiwi, along with choking on a few seeds.

He lay there limp, dead. Cassidy herself almost puked as well from all the commotion. All of the teams have fell down to two members, making the games a lot more intense now. There was only six remaining and no one was to be left. They would all die in their own eventful way. Nothing anyone, not a single person could do to stop it. Not even a Nectarine.

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