I am no longer a Prisoner

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Vio watched with his arms across as the older man struggled with code. "Are you sure you don't need help?" He offered to help, even though his mind was against it. "It's all good dude, I just need to really think.." Dave tilted his head a little bit.

 Suddenly he looked like a lightbulb had turned on in his head. Typing in set combination of numbers led him to a page filled with binary. Pages of this book fell out, all covered in binary codes neither of them knew how to decipher. 


"Do you know how to decode this?" Vio asked frustratingly. "Not at all... let's still take it with us, you got any pockets?" Dave walked over towards the outside of the mystery room. "I'll just stuff it in here." He stuffed the papers in the inside of his robe. 

"What now?" "We need to go and try to free those two still in there." Vio said. "Two? I could've sworn-" Dave looked over to the tube overfilling with kiwi juice. "Oh.." "Yeah.." Vio said awkwardly.

"What about this?" He walked over and walked up to what looked like some sort of control panel. "Maybe, but I wouldn't go to near that because we don't know what could hap-" Just as Dave said that Vio slipped, and his arm fell on a giant lever hiding in plain sight. "Are you fucking kid-" All of the tubes suddenly opened, the two in containment fell to the floor. 

Dave walked up to the blonde kid and gave him a big hug. "Elliot!" "..Huh? I swear I was dead?" Elliot only stared at the raspberry with a blank expression. "You've been freed my son!" Raspberry spoke with an old man voice, making both him and Elliot laugh a little.

Vio couldn't believe his eyes. It was Marie.. the real Marie.. he could almost cry. The reason he was brought here in the first place and tortured for almost a month straight was all because he was concerned for her. Well not him in particular more Cassidy and Dave but, being so far away from her made him realize how important they were to him. 

Marie ran into Vio's hug, sobbing almost immediately. She was so scared. She never thought she would be able to see him or their friends ever again. "Mr. Vio.. I missed you so much.." They spoke through choked up sobs. Vio took a look at her. Usual dark black hair had been changed to a silver color, along with a silver dress to compliment it.


"What?" Vio wondered if he was hallucinating from everything going on or if Marie just said something. Dave interrupts their calm moment frantically. "Guys we have to go! I can sense someone is coming!" He ushers them out in a hurry. The priest shoved the morse code papers he found on the wall in his robe without anyone noticing. If he's able to survive this hell and get back home, he needs to decode them. 


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