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Laying on the floor of the empty, boarded up church, Pastor Vio scratched his head a little bit. Sitting up, he looked around and noticed the change in scenery since he was last there. "Hello?" He called out, getting startled at the echo of his voice that rang throughout the building. He stood up and decided to look around. He was in the sanctuary of his church, Angelsporn. 

Why was it boarded up? And more importantly, where is everyone? "Helloo?" Vio said frustratedly, adjusting the dusty stole around his neck. As much as he'd love to forget everything that just happened, he couldn't. "Is anyone there?" The echo at this point was sending shivers down his spine and his heart started beating quicker.

A familiar room came into sight. It was his "office" as he called it. Whenever he was done for the day he would always just sit in there and work in his own world. Even though Cassidy was the social media manager sometimes he would even respond to emails and set fliers. 

Vio actually originally came up with the idea of the church information page and it was quite a success. "Speaking of that.." He thought. "It's been at least like a month since I've been at this place. Should probably check on the site huh?" Chuckling a little bit, he went to open the site. 

What he saw was not what he originally expected. The page looked perfectly normal until a small bit of strange numbers was found. Raising his eyebrow, he went online and found a translator. Once he put the numbers through and sat through a difficult process of waiting, the phrase "answerhisquestions" was made. 

"Who in the world tried to turn our informational website into some dumb internet arg?" Vio annoying spoke, deleting the text and scowering more. "A picture of me.. what happened to my head? Why am I just a-" He cut himself off. "Question marks?" Clicking the strange link, he was greeted with a distorted version of the staircases to the sanctuary.

"Oh dear.." An uneasy feeling in his stomach grew as he quickly exited out of the site and opened it once again. Though, this time it looked a lot more.. demonic. A terrifying black and white photo of a random man was the background instead of the usual gray with buttons, along with a new change in the homepage. 

A white button that said, "Click me!" appeared and Vio let his curiosity get the best of him. Clicking it, he was led to yet another distorted photo but this time it was of him. Another photo without his head in it. The caption caught him heavily off guard. It was almost like whoever was hacking this website knew he was looking at it. Were they trying to communicate with him or something?

Scrolling down, two black buttons with red texts said "DO" and "DONT". He hadn't bothered to read the paragraph above past the "OH DEAR VIO" part so he had to go back and read the whole thing. Already gaining an uneasy feeling, he saw the "DO YOU RECOGNIZE THIS PHOTO" and was a bit skeptical. Did this person think he was dumb? 

Of course, he'd recognize that photo. It was quite literally himself just heavily distorted with a bunch of filters. This person needed to up their "scary" game up. He clicked on the "DO" button and was met with yet another all-caps message. What particularly creeped him out was the photo of Marie Glaggle that was shown. It was her photo for the "staff" part of the website, but her face was completely blacked out and the photo was gray.

All of this was starting to hurt his head a little bit. He decided to just shut down the computer and get some rest. A small rug on the floor and two pillows he stored on the bookshelf should be enough to get him through the night. "I'll just deal with this in the morning." He thought as he pulled the pillows out. Laying down and closing his eyes, the only thing he could see was the familiar screaming face from earlier. Unbeknownst to him, a small object that rested on his neck cracked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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