Five - Admiring Her From Afar

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(Nicki's P.O.V.)

Jessie leaned in for another kiss, which I accepted happily. She was an amazingly good kisser, and I was glad she was my first girl. Her tongue swiped across my bottom lip, wanting entrance. I teased her a little, keeping it closed, and she groaned softly. Her hand went to my back, and a finger ran down my spine, making me shiver and gasp. She took the opportunity to slip her tongue inside my mouth. Oh, she was so skilled.

"Mm, Jess," I panted when we parted for air.

Her beautiful lips curled into a smile. The most beautiful, heart-stopping, breath-taking smile I have ever seen. "I take it I'm a great kisser, huh?" Cocky little--

"More than great. I wonder what the lips down there taste like."

She blushed madly, biting her bottom lip. "Nicki, you're so dirty. It's kinda hot."

I smirked, leaning in closer to her. "Good. 'Cause you'll hear it a lot from me."

Jessie gave me a quick kiss, which still gave me the most wonderful feeling. I've liked her for a very long time, since we were younger. You could say I admired her from a distance. A looooong distance. She has such an amazing voice, personality, and was so stunningly beautiful it's hard to tear my gaze away.

"Should we tell Ariana? We're going to be performing a lot."

Quickly, I shook my head. "Just between us. So she won't be confused or anything."

"Oh, okay."

Her face looked a little sad, and I pouted slightly. "Gimme a kiss," I ordered, smiling.

She obeyed, leaning to kiss me again. We both just can't get enough of each other.

"Okay, I gotta go, Jess. I have work that needs to be done tomorrow," I said, getting up.

Her pouting was so cute I couldn't stand it. I quickly kissed her before she could stand up again. Hand-in-hand, we strolled to the door, as if we were taking a walk.

"Can I call you tomorrow?" Jessie asked.

"I would love for you to call me as soon as I wake up. At six," I joked.

"Okay. I'll just set an alarm for it, and then I'll call you," she seriously said.

"Jessie, you don't have to do that. I'll be happy whenever you call, and I'll try to pick it up. Okay?"

She leaned down to kiss me softly. "Okay. See you later."

"'Bye, babe."

I walked to my car, got in, and sped off. Now that I was away from Jessie, I sort of miss her a little. Oh, I hope we don't turn into the couple who says "I miss you", even though it's been dämn near two minutes since we last saw each other. But, I hope we do get together. I like her so much, which is so weird. I used to be interested in older people, since I'm in my thirties. Now, I'm crushing on a woman who's twenty-six. She's so hot, and she's caputured my heart. I have to have her.


The next morning, I was woken up by my phone buzzing and my alarm ringing. I turned the alarm off, and read the text I was sent.

Good morning ;)

From Jessie. She actually woke up to text me. I didn't think she'd do it. I texted her the same thing back, and slipped out of bed. Within seconds, the phone was ringing, her beautiful face on my screen.


"Morning, Nicks," Jessie said in a husky voice, making me bite my lip.

"Jessie, I didn't think you would actually do it."

"I don't break my promises, babe. Except if I forget."

I chuckled and strolled into the bathroom. I wanted to talk about last night, but she was half-asleep. And she wouldn't be in the right mindset with her foggy brain.

"Jess, go back to sleep. It's too early."

"But I wanna talk to youuuuu! I can't all day."

"How about I text you at lunch today?"

Jessie yawned cutely, and I smiled into the phone. "Yes! I...I want you to do that!"

"Great, now go back to sleep. Rest your beautiful voice."

She giggled slightly. "Okay. Talk to you later, Nicks."

"Later, Jess."

I hung up, grinning like an idiot. Jessie has done something to me and I can't figure out why she was affecting me so much.

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now