Eleven - Nicki vs Ariana

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(Nicki's P.O.V.)

                    Poor Ariana. I wonder how sick she is, and why she's sick. And why she was using my girl's time. Oh, I love her to death, don't get me wrong. Who wouldn't love Ariana? I'm concerned is all.

The first thing Ariana did when I came in here was smile. "Nicki! Hi!"

I gave her a hug. "Hey, boo. What'd wrong?"

"I'm sick, Nicki. I threw up for two days straight. It's horrible! But, Jessie said I can stay here until I'm better. And she's taking me to the doctor if I'm still not better."

"Maybe you have a stomach virus," I guessed, sitting on the bed.

"But, I don't feel all that bad. I just keep throwing up."

Ariana was dressed in a shirt that was way too big for her. I'm assuming it's one of Jessie's oversized shirts she must have lended her. I frowned slightly. She looked good in one. Almost as good as Jessie does.

"So, you're using her?" I questioned.

Ariana frowned deeper. "What? No! I would never do that to Jess. She's one of the sweetest people ever. I like her a lot."

That didn't sound good. By the way she said it, all dreamily. As if she has a crush on Jessie. MY Jessie. She's mine. Sorry, not sorry.

"Oh. Well Jessie is sweet. Sweet enough to not hurt anybody, you know what I mean?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Well, she wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, because she's been hurt so many times. So, lets say a fan asked her out or something. And she already has a relationship, she wouldn't tell the fan that. She'd try to be nice. You know?"

"Meaning, Jessie would cheat?"


Ariana chuckled, scratching her ear. "Nicki, I doubt Jessie would cheat on anybody. She'll hurt the person she's cheating on! And...I'm so confused."

I gave her a false smile. "It's okay, Ariana. You'll understand some day."

"But Jessie's a loving person who has values and would never...cheat...on anybody."

Her face became white as a sheet. I cocked my head to the side, honestly puzzled. I literally just fed her pure and utter bullshît, but did she try to piece everything together? That quick?

"Um... I have to make a, um, call right quick," Ariana said. "Could you, um..."

"Oh, of course." I got up and left, smirking to myself slightly. I hoped what I said sounded true to Ariana. 'Cause nobody's taking my girl from me.

Jessie was in the kitchen, singing at a moderate volume. She was dancing a little as she cooked breakfast. It was a song I didn't know, but I loved it because she was singing it. I watched her put on a show for an invisible audience except me for a minute. She really has killer vocals. Once Jess was back at the counter, I snuck up on her and wrapped my arms around her.

Jess jumped, then looked down. "Nicki! Don't do that!"

"I'm sorry, babe. I just had to. You looked so cute," I protested.

"What about Ariana? What if she sees?"

"Don't worry. She had to call someone. And I'm not happy she's in your bed and I'm not."

"Jealous, eh?"

I started kissing on her neck, and she gasped. Perfect. My hands ran up and down her sides. I noticed she was biting her bottom lip.

"N-Nicki...stop," she breathed.

Chuckling aganist her skin made her audibly moan, and she grew hot. "Nicki...Ariana can come down any minute...I don't want to explain."

Finally giving in, I pulled away. "Okay, fine. But it's not over."

Jessie shook her head. "Breakfast's ready. Hold on while I give Ari her plate."

She pecked my lips before grabbing a plate and going upstairs. My gut had a funny feeling to it, as if something wasn't right. But, everything felt right to me. I had Jessie, the most beautiful woman in the world, even if she doesn't see that.

I glanced at her beautiful food. It was plated so expertly, she should own a restraunt. I would go there everyday just to look at her. And watch her work. But knowing how clumsy she is, she'd trip over herself and spill food everywhere. So, she'll be my personal chef. And we'll be very personal if I'm lucky.

A/N: So...Nessie or Jessiana? What will be your OTP (One True Pairing)? Is Nicki on to something? Or is it insecurities? What's Ariana's phone call about? Did she do something horribly wrong? You don't know! But I do. *Insert evil laugh*

Okay, byes. :P

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now