Nine - My Model

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(Ariana's P.O.V.)

                        Jessie likes me back. She actually likes me back. She admitted she did! It made me the happiest woman on earth. I squealed, then kissed her again. She was such a good kisser.

"I can't believe you like me back," I admitted to her. "I'm glad you do, though."

Jessie smiled nervously. Maybe she was scared to get into a relationship with me. We're both super busy all the time, so we may not get to see each other often. And that will affect it. And then going public. But, I'm sure this relationship will work. I can feel it.

"Jessie, I want to make what we have work," I mumbled against her neck, kissing it lightly.

Jessie's breath caught in her throat. " long have you liked me?"

"For a very long time, Jess. When I first saw you in America. Singing Price Tag and all. You were so beautiful, but I didn't think it was a crush sort of thing at the time. Now, I'm sure of it."

I was always a fan of hers. How can you not be?

"Ariana...I don't think this will work."

I sat up to look her in her eyes. Her green, beautiful eyes. "Why? You said you'll help me, Jessie. That you wanted the relationship to work! Were you lying to me?"

I pulled a frowny face, and Jessie looked hurt. I was hurt. She doesn't actually like me. She lied to me.

"I'm gonna go," I mumbled, attempting to get off of her. But she held my arm. I turned to look at her.

"Ariana, I don't want you to get hurt," she said. "And I'm your friend, so you shouldn't get hurt."

"So...does that mean..."

"Yes, we'll make what we have work."

Squealing, I hopped on Jess again and kissed her passionately. "You already met my mom and brother, and they love you! Yeah, I already told them about you," I explained, noticing her confused look. "And I'll take you on actual dates! This will be so exciting, Jessie!"

"Yeah...yeah, it will."

"Should we tell Nicki? Since we'll be having concerts and all with--"

"No! I mean, lets just keep it to ourselves. Until we get deep into the relationship." Jessie patted my hand, making me smile.

"Okay, baby," I said, kissing her cheek. "I should go now. I'm really tired from earlier tonight."

Jessie shook her head, before standing and picking me up. I shouted in surprise, wrapping my arms around her neck to hold myself up. "No, you're staying the night. I can't risk you going out there and falling asleep driving."

Giggling, I responded with, "Kay kay."

She carried me to her bedroom, and slowly laid me on the bed. Then she dug in her dresser to pull out a shirt. "I'd imagine you must want a shower after tonight?"

I sat up and took the shirt. "Yeah, thanks."

Whilst in the shower, my thoughts swirled around Jessie and our future. First, we'd go on dates, and I'll ask her to be my girlfriend. And then we'll be in a relationship for a long time, and I'd take her out on the perfect date and ask her to marry me. Then we'd get married, and maybe adopt some kids. Or having a pregnant Jessie around wouldn't be so bad. And then we'll retire, and swing on the porch swing we got with the house we bought, watching the sunset. Our kids would visit us, making sure we're doing fine. And we'd grow old together. And spend our last days reminiscing our whole life. That would just be perfect.

After the whole 'Life Plan in a Shower', I dried off and dressed in the shirt she gave me and underwear. Oddly, I sniffed the shirt, then inhaled it. It smelled of Jessie. The most perfectly-imperfect girl in the world. I walked out the bathroom with my dirty clothes.

"Jess, where do I put these?" I asked.

She looked up from her phone. "Oh, I'll wash them, babe. Hold on."

"No, I'll do it. Where's the laundry room?"

Jessie looked into my eyes. "I'll do it."

"Not if I do it first!"

And with that, I took off from the room, Jessie running after me, calling my name. I glanced inside every room I past, until I ran past the laundry room. But, I couldn't stop, because Jess was right behind me. I flew into the living room, and hid behind the couch, balling my clothes to my chest.

"Ariana? Ariana!" Her beautifully accented voice called, getting closer to where I was at. I held my breath until she turned on her heel and walked in another direction. And that's when I made my break.

Jumping over the couch and running, I cackled loudly. "ARI!" She shrieked, and I heard her footsteps behind me! It was just so funny to me, which resulted in me tripping and falling to the ground. And no sooner was Jessie on top of me, pinning me down.

"Jessie! I'm sorry!" I giggled, wiggling my body in a sorry attempt in getting free.

Can I just say that Jessie has the hottest body? She wasn't thick, but she wasn't stick-thin like all these other celebrities. She has the right body, with curves and all. And her legs could go on and on, because they were so long! If she wasn't a singer, she could be a model. And I'd go to every one of her shows.

"What?" She asked.

"Would you be a model?" I blurted out. "'Cause I can see you as one."

"And starve myself? No thank you! I already want to gain weight, but it's so hard! I'll just lose it all in a day!"

I smiled at her. "You're beautiful just the way you are. You'll be my personal model."

Jessie smiled, and looked away. One of the most beautiful smiles ever. "You're so sweet, Ari. But, guess what?"


"I won."


She got up, taking my clothes, and ran to the laundry room, almost tripping over herself. Yep. I'm glad she isn't a model, because she'd probably break her neck in tall heels.


We finally went to bed, and I was surprised that Jessie would let me lay with her in her own bed. I cuddled into her front, her arms wrapped around me.

"'Night, Jess," I said into her chest.

I got no response, and looked up to see her asleep already. Smiling, I drifted off as well.

A/N: Sooo...JessiexAriana, huh? Jessiana? Comment what you think! :3 I love your comments, I freakin' live for them! ^_^

Get ready for a little more drama!

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now